Harsher penalties for People Farming The Sacbrood please

So the person who has to fill in a partially complete dungeon who might need loot from the boss you bounced after doesn’t count?


The leaver penalty you incur by refusing to finish the dungeon seems like a pretty strong indicator, right?


Move everything to the last boss - want loot, stick around and finish the dungeon.


You mean the one that hasn’t existed for the past 19+ years? That one?


Bad change, Dungeons have always operated under as long as you kill 1 boss you can leave and just wait 10 minutes or what ever and que


Anybody who queues up for a random dungeon has a chance of getting stuck in the remnants of your selfishness.


It’s more about taking 5 mins vs 50 mins

See I’d be okay with that. Blizzard created this problem, and we found a solution. They’re now punishing us for the problem THEY CREATED.

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The reason for this change was no doubt due to Blizzard being able to see data from the game indicating an abnormally high number of players leaving group after this boss, and maybe some others. Feedback isn’t going to play a part here, at least not directly and not any time soon. Best you can probably hope for is a change to how dungeon loot works outside of M+ to still discourage leaving partway through, but not need to push the deserter debuff harder either.


That’s why I don’t join in progress dungeons / raids.

It has always existed in some form ever since the LFD tool was introduced. People like you, who take advantage of the leniency in the leaver system, have gradually necessitated more and more restrictions.

As I said above: you made your bed. Now you have to sleep in it. You have nobody to blame for this but yourself. :sleeping_bed:


I like that this encourages people to form their own group to farm a single item

But I’m still slightly concerned about the change, especially when sometimes dungeons get bugged or something extraneous occurs. My condolences to every tank who gets kicked for being “too slow” it has always been a crime to me that the one being kicked also eats a deserter when I have seen many cases where it is not their fault.

I would really love a system that punishes repeat offenders, like maybe 5 min instead of 30 that builds up to very day or even lockout if folks think that’s more fair. (First leaver is 5 min cd but every one after that doubles)

Some times that deserer buff is shorter than finishing the run lol

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Can you make the penalties inclusive of queue time for next run.

A healer or tank that waits for a minute or two for next queue won’t be penalised as much as a dps (who can easily be replaced) who has to wait 30-60 minutes for another go.

Yes, I finish all my tasks and my boss tells me he doesn’t care as long as my work is done. He actively encourages me to play WoW and I have it in writing that he does not care that I do.


Yeah, it’s always been no debuff after first boss is dead.


This sounds like such a bad idea. You’re going to just get people afking or trolling the group now instead of just leaving, making it an even bigger waste of everyones time.


Maybe so, and then people like you started to exploit that. So here we are.

Your fault, not mine.


Good move. Anyone hating on this are red flags and obviously the first to leave a dungeon group that might be new players and still learning things. You want less bad players, take an extra few minutes and be nice, be helpful and share your sweaty knowledge. If you want to farm the first boss make a group and post it in group finder. It’s pretty simple. Either complain to complain or figure out a solution. No need to be a powder puffer.


How is leaving a dungeon an exploit? Was me clicking my portrait and choosing “leave group” a super secret? Was I not supposed to click that? I knew the rules, if you leave before first boss, debuff, if you leave after first boss, no debuff. Definitely not an exploit in any way, shape, or form.