Hardware question

For up coming expansion would my amd 5700 xt and I7 intel still be good enough to run on 9? I get pretty good fps right now and hate to see it go down. Right now it is averaging out to 100.

Not sure of your resolution but the reason you are probably averaging 100fps is your FPS lock is set to 100 in WoW (the default). With your current setup, Iā€™m not sure which i7 you have but anything 4770+ and you should easily handle 1440p at graphic settings 10. Assuming you donā€™t turn on raytracing, I donā€™t see your PC having any issue running shadowlands at graphic level 10.

for reference i run on a 5700xt and an i7-8700k at 1440p i can run the game at 10 even on PTR with mostly 120fps+

I canā€™t speak for new zones but with some modest adjustments keeping the game at 144fps should be a breeze (when not CPU bound, that is)

One thing about this game is MSAAx8 will kill your FPS. Use either FXAA High or CMAA and your performance will be a lot better

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Cool ty for advice.

let me answer this plainly, I have a 5700XT, An i7 tells us absolutely nothing there are dual core i7s all the way through the model stack, Low power versions, Ultra low power versions Core Mi7ā€™s it really tells us nothing so you should learn to use actual model numbers.

As for the 5700XT i am doing just fine in shadowlands beta at 7680x1440 so you will be able to run ultra just fine, You just wont have Raytracing support.

Itā€™s all hypeā€¦ raytracing isnā€™t even a thing:

The truth is, ray tracing isnā€™t actually new at all, itā€™s a technique film studios have been using for years in special effects and animation to light scenes and enable proper reflections of digital objects. Remember seeing those exploding alien warships wreathed in smoke and fire reflected in Iron Manā€™s helmet in The Avengers? Thatā€™s ray tracing at work. Whatā€™s new is the promise of doing this sort of rendering in real time. It enables video games to achieve on the fly what it takes Hollywood render farms days or even weeks to accomplish, leaning on hugely expensive hardware to compute ray tracing for complex scenes with millions of individual photon beams.

Ray tracing works by simulating rays of light and the ways they interact with objects and surfaces. It models how lighting affects color or occlusion on a per ray basis. Previously, lighting was handled during rasterization, the process of translating 3D polygonal models into a 2D image built out of pixels. Lighting effects were largely 'fakedā€™, with an engine determining how light sources in a scene would theoretically affect surfaces based on placement and shading/coloring the pixels of that surface accordingly

I fully understand how Raytracing works and despite what people may thing it is actually a thing in reference to itā€™s current iteration.

The thing that makes it new is the fact that we are doing it in real time, It may not be as good as what the studios are but it will eventually get there.

Also your post adds nothing of value to this thread and is necroing something that is 16 days old.

CPU bound I really wish this unfounded bunk would stop. There is no CPU bound in WoW.

I can take ANY CPU even an older model and I have a 7 year old CPU with 4c/4t 3.0Ghz i5 works great in WoW. I only upgraded my video card and now everything is betterā€¦ graphics is where WoW needs help not CPU, my CPU is barely over 40% when WoW is runningā€¦ so that means the CPU isnā€™t taxed at allā€¦ if you ARE CPU bound itā€™s because of MXAA or vSync setting, you have input lagā€¦ that is spiking the CPU or maybe you have background process taking away from WoW CPUā€¦ either way the ONLY thing you need for GOOD FPS is a GOOD Video card.

Currently I am running 5600 XT, everything ULTRA 2560x1080/75hz I get 75 FPS all DAY no problem.

bad info is bad info no matter how old it isā€¦ you are trying to highlight something that isnā€™t a big deal. New video card and drivers take care of your ā€˜raytracingā€™ā€¦ itā€™s just a fancy word for what WoW calls occlusion and lighting big wupā€¦ you are trying to sound fancy when in fact itā€™s not.

Also not sure why you people like to make light of something that is oldā€¦ itā€™s PUBLIC it NEVER getā€™s oldā€¦ if itā€™s there itā€™s there period itā€™s not like milk it wonā€™t go bad, so itā€™s never too late to set the record straight.

Why because it calls into question that you were wrong or making something out of nothing?

Making something out of nothing? All iā€™ve said is he wont have Raytracing support on a 5700XT and i will also point out that old CPUā€™s will not perform anywhere near as good as more modern ones doesnā€™t mean it wont run, Just means it wont run as good.

Whatā€™s your frame rate in Boralus or better yet what is your framerate in 40 man epic bgā€™s in the middle of a fight, this is where CPU bound becomes a thing, You can be CPU bound in wow because despite itā€™s multi threaded capability you are still limited by IPC as at best it will spread itā€™s work over four cores one being loaded the most the other 3 being loaded lightly.

Letā€™s start loading some addons in there wich are inherently single threaded aswell, Iā€™ll Gaurentee you there will be a vastly different performance result between your Sandybridge-haswell core i5 compared to someoneā€™s more modern Ryzen 3000+ series setup or a 8-9-10th gen intel setup.

This is what people talk about when they say WoW becomes CPU bound, Not sitting in the open world with no addons running on a dead server.

Well you can ramble all you want.

After months of anticipation, Ray Tracing Shadows is finally enabled on the World of Warcraft Shadowlands beta, providing enhanced shadows.

WoWā€™s ray tracing implementation uses DXR 1.1, not DXR 1.0.

To be able to use DXR 1.1, you have to be on the most recent version of Windows 10 (the 20H1 release, 2004) and have DXR 1.1 capable graphics drivers.

Nothing about special GPU hardware. I have BETA, I have 5600 XT ray tracing works fine. I get 75 FPS ultra settings 2560x1920, so now what? I guess we donā€™t have to wait itā€™s available NOW and itā€™s not slowā€¦

AGAIN you are making something out of nothing. And it shows how much you know the graphics are done on the VIDEO CARD not the CPUā€¦

So you will guarantee nothing because my current system with a i5 runs just fineā€¦ 7 year old 3Ghz 4c/4t CPUā€¦ now how does it feel to be WRONG

It doesnā€™t, You know how i know it doesnā€™t, Because the 5000 series from AMD does not support DXR at all, This is how i know you are both lying and trolling.

ok whatever, believe whatever you want. Itā€™s clear you canā€™t be wrong even when I am doing something that I even pointed out it ONLY requires Windows 10 of a certain build and driversā€¦ Go look at AMD site if you wantā€¦ itā€™s in the documentationā€¦ DXR 1.1 is supportedā€¦ but some people just canā€™t be taughtā€¦

It requires a DXR 1.1 Capable GPU (Thatā€™s 20 and 30 series from NVIDIA) A specific driver revision or newer there, AND a specific windows build or newer.

AMD does not currently have any DXR supported GPuā€™s, All the recent GPUā€™s from AMD support the full DX12 API but not DXR only the new 6000 series will have DXR support.

This is how i know your trolling.

Why not just lower Shadow quality

OK last chanceā€¦ you want to be a snob and think you know everything then fine. reshade, mod for AMD. ALL Video cards can support it.

Do a search on reshade raytracing AMD

Developed by Pascal ā€œMarty McFlyā€ Gilcher , PTGL (Path Traced Global Illumination) is an upcoming shader for ReShade which make use of Path Tracing to bring Real Time Global Illumination to every game.

google: 5450-guide-to-ray-tracing-with-reshade

read it mr. know it allā€¦ and then tell me I am ā€˜trollingā€™. I guess I know something you DONā€™T what a surpriseā€¦

Which is wait for it, NOT DXR and ā€œA goalā€ not a currently isnā€™t possible

Ray tracing using the new technologies (Nvidia RTX, Microsoftā€™s DXR), no. But this term is encorporating a LOT of applications.
Following virtual positions and checking reconstructed view positions against that is surely possible (screen-space raytracing). My work in progress screenspace reflections shader does that and I wrote an AO shader that does that as well - all on ReShade:

Warning: Spoiler!

Then, creating a virtual scene like on shadertoy and creating a custom ray tracer, also possible. But ā€œrealā€ raytracing (what you refer to) requires the entire scene and access to more than just color and depth buffer. Most of it isnā€™t even done in shaders.

There for Not raytracing, Please stop.

Which goes back to what i had stated earlier, And is quite clear and above EVEN FROM BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT THEMSELVES

In order to run Raytracing in world of warcraft you need the following

Specific windows build or newer
Specific nvidia Drivers from Nvidia or newer since AMD does not have a DXR GPU
DXR 1.1 or greater supported GPU (That is currently only the 20 series and 30 series

your other thread here is also proof of your trolling.

Youā€™re just wrong, Iā€™m sorry. Go to any busy area, with any powerful GPU, and watch your FPS drop and your GPU utilization drop.

Your task manager will show your CPU usage being low on a wide CPU, but if you look at individual threads in performance monitor, youā€™ll see one maxed out and the others mostly idle. This is post 8.1 and with DX12.

Your 7 year old i7 is at 40%ā€¦itā€™s tapped out. 4 cores, 8 threads, and WoW is sucking up at most 2 cores at max with nearly none of the hyperthreading. The rest is OS overhead.

This is an obvious troll donā€™t fall for it and feed him.

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Empirical evidence right here:


5700 XT, latest windows build, latest Adrenaline.

Look, no workie.