Hardcore is dumb

Suppression of dissent is not an argument. If you seriously can’t come up with anything better then why even comment? You just want to regurgitate bad talking points lol?

But you still don’t have WOTLK. They tossed some heroic + stuff in there lol.

Lol get out of here with your fake elitism. Nobody wants an exact port you dillhole.

But removal of all the good features is what Classic wow has all been about. Like how LFR ruined the game, and so did mythic plus.

(LFR being a good feature is debatable.) Keeps money flowing I guess.

Oh, and people cry about no group finder.

They WILL play it… until they die. Then its over… nobody’s investing that time again from lvl 1.

I do find hardcore mode to be pretty dumb in any game where “losing” results in an instant game over instead of being a way to enrich the gameplay.

Games like X-Com, Rimworld or Dwarf Fortress bring new gameplay situations when the player is forced to take a big loss instead of just reloading the last save and having a perfect run.

Death in a hardcore WoW environment brings nothing outside of frustration and time waste.

Still, some people enjoy pointless frustration and wasting their time. I just don’t think the number of people who actually enjoy this warrants all the effort put on hardcore servers.

Hardcore just leads to people avoiding risk, or experiencing unfortunate disconnects.

Not anyone that actually wants to challenge themselves.

Without the possibility of save scumming, you become weaker during later stages of the game, to the point that it might be impossible.

Something like Mythic Plus is a better “hardcore” system than “hardcore” itself.

It’s look like wow classic

In strategy, colony sim games the “only one automatic save file that overwrites itself” mode is generally refered to as “Ironman”. There are obvious similarities to hardcore, but it’s technicaly a different thing.

The thing about hardcore that amazed me is how much people play after levelling. Yeah, levelling in retail is brain dead dumb, quite unlike classic. But raids and gameplay in instances afterwards are as hard or harder, and hardcore players will be doing those as well.

Props to people that enjoy playing it, options are good.

4 month old necro talking about the addon rule-set.

Official servers do allow trading, mail, AH, grouping, daily dungeon, no pvp tho.

It’s been pretty fun while it’s super active.

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Yup, it needs a “insert 25c to continue” option…

Well i leveled in classic as a rogue i never died specially as a NE, only timed i died was for that rogue quest

The reason its a thing in classic is because people wanted it.

Now my opinions on it thats its a good leveling challenge, but as for raiding… It can be an achievement in of it self but I don’t think its good because your putting your life at the hands of the players in your raid and a mistake from them can impact you in some way.

Not only has it been fun, it can be easy to do if you over pull, etc.

Oh and watch out for Son of Arugal…it seems to murder a lot of players.

Sorry you lost me.

Classic leveling is still quite brain dead dumb.

Exactly… it just takes longer because in classic you walk back and forth to the same quest locations across the entire zone.

It’s a hardcore waste of time.

Meh. Its not for me. But its a server type no one has a gun to my head to join.

If others enjoy, great.

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I’m sorry, I’m lost here. Is anyone forcing you to play it?

I can’t agree they’re the same. It’s slower, less power, many more xp per level, and much more chance of adds. A camp wipes a leveling player in classic more often than not but not a retail player.

Is it like getting a PhD? No. Difficult as running for public office? Course not.

You don’t get a kick out of watching some of the videos of hc streamers that get that unlucky link of adds that draws a pack to them and they die? I do, a little bit.

Your answer seems fine if you aren’t really into HC. No problem, we all have our opinions.