I played vanilla classic. Not hardcore, but classic.
My leveling consisted almost entirely of turning on auto attack and watching youtube.
That doesnt change it from being brain dead or not.
I got to the 40s before the brain deadness of leveling got to be too boring and quit.
If you enjoy it, thats great. But just seems like a useless way to put down retail that isnt exactly honest about the leveling experience in classic.
Yes I am he will get to lvl 60 or he will get the hose again
honestly the only reason I’m playing it is the high population. I missed the original classic release and wanted something close to the actual experience. Definitely play through the game a bit differently too when you’re trying not to die.
lol I have never seen so many dead characters and piles of bones in my 15 years of playing, to say you do not die in classic is ridiculous, you do not die in retail.
No, but it will end up being a waste of dev resources for a gameplay mode that will see its playerbase quickly dwindle after a few character deaths, especially when those deaths are from things like random internet disconnections.
this is the only real problem with hardcore, getting a random dc death at lvl 20+ will take the wind out of your sails in a hurry.
I said it was just as brain dead. Now turn on auto attack or take a flight path across the world to turn in a quest.
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Surprisingly servers have been pretty stable.
Even during launch with pretty massive numbers in starting zones, it was pretty stable.
Was funny seeing literally every single wolf spawn in human starting zone have 5+ people camping each spawn point.
Wasn’t this the exact argument people made when they announced Classic WoW? A waste of dev resources?
Yes, same argument about dev resources.
But this server is a whole different beast with its ability to retain players who will lose their characters and be forced to do the same boring walking simulator quests again and again. I don’t think the appeal of that will last very long.
D4 hardcore is fun though.
I mean that’s the supreme irony of it though. It’s so easy… but… it’s also soooo easy to get over confident, mess up, and die. That’s the fun of it. At least that’s what I like about it. To each his own.
streamers ruin video games.
I mean it’s just a way for people to flex really. Look at me I never died noobs! For a small few it’s a genuinely fun game mode cause they just wanted the meta to change up their playstyle.
Tried that, died to a tree in two hits at 28 or something.
Hardcore leads you to minimize risk and avoid challenges.
Also got to like Greater Rift 100 or something in D3 hardcore. More for bragging rights than something fun on its own.
go play runescapes iron man mode, way better lol
Just run into the murloc camp period by yourself and see how long you last. It is instant death unless you are grouped or over leveled. Same goes for those dog head things that run in packs and giggle before they attack you. People have gotten too use to retail where you can pull packs and mow things down. Youre dead meat in Vanilla Classic if you try that.
Almost like, don’t be an idiot?
Gee such a hard requirement.
hardcore will be dead in a month anyway. Now we get to see how catering to the tryhards is a detriment. Besides I don’t think dying makes it hardcore. The game has been out too log and has too many people who know every single turn of classic. This is nothing more than catering to a very very small niche of players in my opinion.