Hardcore is dumb

One of them private servers had a hardcore mode and you could stack other modifiers, like nightmare, which was something like bonus 600% spell damage, 800% physical damage from enemies. You could also combine classes, but I’m stupid so I was just a frost mage. It was wild. The physical reaction of seeing a mob casting a fireball at you, that could very well 1 shot you, is like someone just kicked down your door and pointed a gun at you. (It had rewards for getting to max level. For doing nightmare/hardcore, I got the nzoth mount.)

Hardcore is fun. I don’t know what the point is of hating on it.

Then don’t play it? Not everything has to appease you, and plenty of people find hardcore fun so dev time absolutely worth it

Thats because dragonflight doesnt have soul and was made by a different team.

classic does.

people watch old movies all the time. they listen to 200 year old music.

Art is timeless

It’s not Hardcore until every mob does boss mechanics, 1k HP, and you spawn in with a stick that does .00005 damage per swing.

not it’s only funny Don’t worry, it won’t ruin your lore of your character as the elitism of the mythic runner and World first is ruining the difference in each patch of the lore of the expansions as it is now in 10.1

thing that you will remain free in the concept of playing as you want, the same as Diablo 2, where you enable a kind of Permadeath in the game

What’s going to make me laugh is when the fad dies out right around the time blizzard finally gets on board.

There are only so many times you can level > die >delete before you get tired of it. That mode has an expiration date.

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Compare retail leveling to classic leveling and its pretty easy to see why people said its hard. Leveling and the world offers challenge in classic whereas the only challenge you find in retail is in high levels of raiding and pvp. Every other content is braindead.

Why complain about this on the Retail forums?

In this thread: a bunch of people arguing about hardcore who have never read the rules for doing it.

Just let people play how they want to play. Players doing hardcore runs have zero impact on anyone else’s game play experience. Sheesh.

youre actually what is dumb

People in this thread punching air that people enjoy something that they don’t

It is dumb, but the game is basically built around it. Hardcores purpose is to boost your ego, WoW is all about inflated egos

it’s not skill, it’s attention.

in what is a 200-hour event, you can easily get frustrated when a spawnpoint is heavily contented, and go take a risk to find the mobs you need, and get cutoff in a cave or aggro something at low mana, rush to a tag etc.

getting angry, impatient, careless, distracted can end a run.

edit: i survived Mol’Adin aggro at 2hp today.

And had bad internet and PCs.

That’s not what it was shipped as homie. It was shipped as a nostalgia cash grab. If you thought it was hard then that’s on you. I’m in Wotlk and that’s what we wanted. You can stop paraphrasing brack at any time.

Everything blizzard does involving classic is ripping off Jagex 5 years late. How long has Jagex had Oldschool Runescape with Ironman and Deadman Ironman modes lol? They’re looking to the only other successful classic MMO and only a small portion of the community plays the hardcore aspects. If you want them fine. But stop using sleight of hand to make hardcore detract from QoL on classic games. You guys really want to take it a step further, pay a team to develop classic and wotlk + content.

Says the human paladin with a random generated darkspear name

because - shock - some people enjoy it. In fact enough people was enjoying it for blizz do make it a game mode.

A little life advise for you op. Instead of bashing things you don’t like, promote the things you do.