Hardcore is dumb


just like i don’t know why people would post about Classic in the retail forum.

perhaps you should go ask the people in the Classic forum about hardcore?

And you care why exactly? Let them do their thing while you do yours.

I mean it in no way different than people that used to claim “back in the days during vanilla the game was actually hard”. Well, until they got hit with the reality bat.

Tbh i expect every fight in classic to be cleared in hardcore. With relative ease.

oh you’re no fun!

i think it’ll get tricky around lvl 40 personally…but we’ll see what the rules are :nerd_face:

Because player motivation is tied into making achievements and iLvL is necessary to push the narrative along for 2 years. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Lots of us have done it by ourselves without even trying it as a challenge here. Many of us do that in all the video games we play. Trying not to die is not a new thing. So these people need to quit acting like it is.

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One thinks that. Till they try it lol.

I didn’t see my death coming at 19. 10. hell even a 5. that was a let’s try a class I don’t really run much. they didn’t handle a minor hyper spawn area well lol.

One of the harder aspects, for me, is you can’t take death shortcuts.

SOme parts of 1 to 60 leveling…death is better. the cave boss is dead. Or the boss has screening mobs. You reason…I can kill the boss, take the item if applicable and not care about the ads dropping you. You know, kamikaze run that quest boss/elite.

Now! You can die, take rez sickness.

And it can be faster than fighting out of the now respawned cave and the walk to the quest giver lol.

This I miss in HC lol. as yeah if death is more efficient I will see gy’s. a lot.

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Do keep in mind that when MC released in wow classic, people were killing it with groups where people weren’t even max level.

Ragnaros occasionally does some AoE, and summons a handful of adds every 3 minutes. That’s the fight.

The trickiest spot I remember from leveling in vanilla was one time I got overwhelmed in that naga area in southwestern Stranglethorn.

But I was able to jump into the river (no falling damage) and get away.

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I mean how is it dumb? If people are liking it and want to do it. Why not?

No different than in diablo where the vast majority don’t play hardcore. At the same time you have some people that only play Hardcore.

Everyone finds fun in different ways. Nothing wrong with that as long as it isn’t affecting other players.

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It’s fine until ppl talk about dedicated servers. People liked asking for constant “fresh servers” in Wrath, too. It’s how we ended up with 200 dead servers.

apparently the harpies in feralas are deadly? i don’t remember that quest too much, but i def wanna try it for myself after seeing so many fails in there! :nerd_face:

My strongest memory of Feralas was on my Enhancement Shaman were I 1-shot an ogre because my windfury procced multiple times on a single hit.

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Same reason people do Pokemon Nuzlocke challenges, to give the game a lil extra flavor n difficulty. If you don’t like it, you’re free to not participate.

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It would be very different with hardcore servers though. Characters die, meaning you don’t need a server reset.

Over time players reset themselves when they forget to drink their coffee in the morning. Even the best players die, I can see that just by watching vods.

I don’t even play classic servers or have any interest in playing Hardcore. However if people want it let them have at it.

This is like when we were telling Blizzard for 15 years that was wanted classic servers and they just kept telling us we were wrong and nobody wants that. Meanwhile they finally do it and the classic scene exploded.

Half my friends list plays retail and half them play classic anymore.

I guess I am just a fan of more options, rather than less just because some of the player base doesn’t really care about it.

I mean heck there is a good portion of the community that doesn’t like to PvP. Should we just remove it from the game? Same with M+. Some people never do keys, so clearly, it’s not worth having in the game.

Except Blizzard was absolutely correct, people didn’t want classic. The “classic” they came out with was an altered version, and Blizzard has to keep coming up with gimmicks to make people play since vanilla WoW is, well, boring as hell.

I mean it isn’t boring? That’s only your prerogative. There are millions who played it that obviously disputes that logic?

However yea overtime people have stopped playing it. You have to think we have had 9 expansions. None of them have ever been built to last infinitely.

Like let’s say DF lasted 6 years. You don’t think at some point people would get bored? And numbers would start to dwindle? Wow has always been a roller coaster. Launches and the numbers sky rocket, then they steadily decline over the course of the expansion. Then the new expansion gets advertised and the numbers start to go up again towards the very tail of the expansion. It’s always been this way for literally like the last 20 years lmao

Many people, myself included played classic on launch. Got our fill. And now are on to other things. Did you ever expect someone to stay playing for 10 years straight? Eventually you have done everything in the game.

It’s really boring not to die. And in Classic, it was not easy. Not solo. You were quickly tossed into positions that were untenable and had to tread very carefully. Of course, as an experienced player, you’d know to just stay away from those situations and just stay home killing board in Elwynn.

I don’t know how hardcore works with dungeons, frankly, unless everyone is running Deadmines at 25.

If classic WoW wasn’t boring, Blizzard and everyone else wouldn’t be constantly trying to come up with things to make it interesting. Like Season of Mastery. Or “hardcore”. :joy:

Yes. That’s why doing Dragonflight for years, or years later, would be stupid. Just like re-doing classic WoW is stupid, and boring, and something everyone did 20 years ago, which is why asking for reruns was dumb.

And it WAS dumb, because, just like everyone predicted, it’s boring as hell, which is why people keep trying to make it exciting, because it isn’t.

TLDR: Blizzard was right. People thought (and think) they wanted it. But it turns out they don’t.

The most challenging part of Hardcore … is the Internet Connection Beast.

Since NO ONE can guarantee a 100% stable internet connection, I will always view this mode of play the absolute lowest of low.

When there is literally NOTHING I CAN DO … there is NO challenge.

Until you can combine the “Hardcore” idea, with the fact there is no such thing as a 100% stable internet connection, it’s inherently stupid.

Your logic is terrible. Have you never felt nostalgia in your entire lifespan?

People did want it, which is why it happened. People in masses (numbers in the millions) played Classic, Classic BC, and Classic Wrath.

Overtime, they geared to max, did all the content and now no longer want to play it.

That isn’t just because “It’s boring”.

You are talking like it just came out yesterday and nobody at all played it.

Many people who are new to the game in general wanted to play it just to see what the game was like in the past. Many people just wanted the feeling of nostalgia. Being able to do an old boss they remember doing with friends, or maybe getting a cool item they remember using.

But of course that isn’t going to last forever. How many times does a car guy drive the same car before he wants a new car? How many times does a gun guy shoot guns before he want’s a new gun? Nothing is meant to last forever besides herpes.

However even that being said. A 15+ year break away from these expansion’s built a thirst for the nostalgia.

I mean heck I still play Halo 2 to this day. When the MCC came out I was probably the most excited human on the planet. Does that mean I play every single day? No the game is old and I experienced it in another time. However I still get on it from time to time, when I want to feel that experience again.

You seem to like only looking at things from your perspective. I even told you I have no interest in hardcore myself. However I wouldn’t say to get rid of it ethier if there is even 100 people having fun on it.