Hardcore is dumb

Your toon has 1 life basically. If it dies, that’s it your character is done. They will basically stay a ghost.


It’s the same type of play as Nuzlockes in creature capture games like Pokemon. It’s a style of play people find enjoyable. Heaven forbid people have their own fun in a game.


Oooh I never thought of it like a Nuzlocke but you’re right!

My problem with hardcore is simply that hardcore players think they’re better than softcore players.

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Im going to level a hardcore character to 60 simply so I can make fun of all the people that will inevitably come to the forums and act like they are good for playing hardcore.

They’ll say it didn’t count because you looted Dalaran Sharp from a dwarf chest while leveling. Or something. :joy:

It’s actually amazing content to watch and probably would be quite fun too but it probably can’t go beyond Vanilla. Things would become way too complicated then. HC retail would be a hilarious delusion.

Only if it doesn’t create new subscriptions. If it creates new subscriptions, then Blizzard wins.

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And this is the very issue with HC, It’s a slap in the face of not just retial but even Classic WoW, It’s an MMO… You’re supposed to play with other people, not go off on a singleplayer venture lol. Esp in a classic Enviroment, the whole game with classic is literally built around you participating in the game with other people and socializing, getting into guilds, etc. And also breaks the game, Causing people not to run Dungeons, to not Use the AH. You’re literally breaking the game if you support HC.

If you get killed in hardcore can you move your stinky little baby over to a non-hc server?

Hardcore is a WoW classic thing.

If you want a real challenge try Ironman Challenge.

i wanna see you try the HC challenge!

i think it’s def underestimated…

lots of things can kill you in classic WoW…there are dangerous places, like the mysteries of Un’goro, the demons in felwood, and those defias pillager guys that 2 shot lowbies :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

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I don’t recall vanilla leveling in itself being difficult, just time-consuming. What made it difficult was being on a PvP server from launch until I tired of it a couple years later.

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Just because you don’t like the idea doesn’t make it dumb. I don’t like it either, but a lot of people do. Leave them alone for goodness sake.


It’s pointless if there’s no immortality at 60. If there isn’t then there’s no end game.

Hardcore is a lot easier than occasionally releasing new fresh servers. if you think about it.
Bots wont get very far either.

If it wasn’t for twitch drops, I wouldn’t watch wow streamers, ever. Basically the term “you’d have to pay me to do that” fits this nicely and even with twitch drops, 99% of the time, I alt tab out and don’t watch the streamer I pick to get my free crap.

I leveled to max in classic 18 years ago without dying. On multiple characters.

Welcome to 2005 though, I guess.

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Just watched HC players clear MC with no deaths today.


I don’t enjoy soap operas so i don’t watch them. To each their own ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Its just awkward how some people get angry at the simple mention of streamers lol. Guess i need to start getting angry anytime someone mentions some cable T.V show or reality-tv garbo?

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