Hardcore is dumb

Yes, I’ve been on Bloodsail and I’ve seen it (and reported many of them). They should respect the rules of the server. But I think that’s a player problem, not a game ruleset problem.

That said… Having a dedicated HC server should be a good thing, if it gets non-RPers off of RP servers. Don’t you think?

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f2p wow players cant make groups whisper ppl talk to ppl in /say over 10 lvls higher then them cant use the Ah and can only que bfa dungeons. They can also que battlegrounds but get put into the same que with xpoff 29’s.

Hardcore wow is like f2p wow but you delete on death lol.

one of the best things about HC wow, is the sense of accomplishment & progression.

I like how even a nice green item is golden, and a new talent can really be a significant boost in power. It’s a really neat mode - and tbh i think it will be very challenging, even for experienced WoW players.

def want to give it a shot soon…who wants to do the wetlands run with me? :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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Then why aren’t u playing on a hc server if it’s sooooooo easy.

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They should only make 1 server for it. After a month its numbers will die off, harshly. Most players that want to do Hardcore will soon find that they’ve grown too comfortable with Retail and won’t find Hardcore fun after the hype passes.

The only ones that’ll really benefit from this is streamers that force themselves to play it and milk their older fanbase about how much better it is than retail.

Hardcore will be bearable now that it will have official servers and isn’t connected to what a bunch of neckbeards think the challenge should be.

People buy AH gear to level?


What the hell for? You can level naked, it’s that easy. (I’ve done it.)

Originally when Wow first released it was supposed to be all about an easy game at least compared to other MMO’s at the time such as Everquest.

True. But then, “hardcore” doesn’t make sense in the first place. “Hardcore” is all about bad players claiming the easiest thing in the game (which you CANNOT fail at) is “hard” because you get punished if you fail. Except you can’t fail, so… it’s just a lot of hot air.

If people want to do Mythic Aberrus progression hard core, I’ll be impressed. But leveling? Heh.


Hardcore is pretty much only “fun” if you purposefully do things that will probably get you killed. It’s just a cheap thrill ride, if people really want to complete the challenge it’s pretty damn easy. Run with pots all the time, play a mage, hunter, rogue or warlock and farm green level mobs.

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Or just use your head. I was talking to somebody a couple weeks ago who said leveling was dangerous because things will respawn behind you and kill you.

And I was just…
Pull to the road so nothing respawns behind you?
Keep track of the time?
Just use your eyes?

These are basic playing skills that people either ignore to get the ‘thrill’ (as you say), or else still haven’t learned after all these years.

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The reason that kind of stupidity is prevalent is because of how boring classic leveling actually is to be honest. Boredom is probably the #1 killer, the game moves at a snails pace.

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It’s basically just to test how much people value their time. you can play super safe and hit 60, but I mean come on thats probably so boring and takes long. you can play riskier to go faster but probably die. I don’t find it to be fun either way you do it, but to each their own.

It’s not really for me. It’s like hardcore Minecraft (don’t @ me). Why, after so much time building something up, would I be willing to risk and lose it if I die to something that’s probably dumb? I can see the cool factor of raiding in a setting where if you die, it’s over. But if I were at the point of raiding on a toon I think it’d be more of a feels bad moment than a “oh there it is finally died hahaha” moment.

Like, I get the appeal. But losing hours worth of playtime doesn’t appeal to me. Maybe one day I’ll try it out with WoW. Unlike minecraft which deletes your world; it looks like (idk for sure) you can keep playing, just probs not in the challenge anymore.

you don’t have to paly it if you don’t like it.


Sure, when you play a Hunter and pull 1 mob at a time and level once a week.

People enjoy certain things, Hardcore is a neat concept and since it plays like ‘ironman’ it’s a bit interesting but WoW isn’t really built for it like some other games are so I’m not TOO interested in it. I wish Classic era had tons of people non-HC playing it but it doesn’t seem to be the case. Despite Classic just not having the races I like leveling in it and the difference in classes and how it plays is really fun.

You VASTLY over estimate the skill of the average WoW classic player.

I’ve been playing HC this past week and the amount of people who die under level ten is astonishing.


You didnt make it past level 12 did ya?

Hardcore isn’t my cup of tea but it isn’t dumb. For some it will be great. Again just not for me doesn’t mean it is dumb.