Hardcore is dumb

Ok if its dumb then dont worry about it.

checks his statistics

Total Deaths: 23,165

Dang, I’m really bad at this game.


Maybe for one or two deaths it would be fun. But if other people find it fun, who cares.

Not like Blizzard would ever make it mandatory.

The real question is: How many of those deaths were not from combat? :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s more to “hardcore” than permadeath.

The essence of it is that actions seen as “cheesing the game” are barred. Permadeath serves this purpose by stopping you from taking high risk actions where the reward makes it the obvious winner’s choice. Like a mage AoE grinding is going to level very fast even if they die a few times from overpulling, because the reward:risk ratio is overwhelming.

But just as important is restrictions on grouping and trade. No bribing a mage to run you through dungeons, no gearing up in the AH. It stands in clear contrast to retail where chat is full of powerleveling service and carry ads, and people throw gold and exotic mats at the crafting order station to gear up.


Says only 589 of them were from falling, drowning, or burning to death in lava. Gotta be a mistake. I jumped off tons more cliffs intentionally.

In retail, yeah. In Classic, not so much, given the hyperspawns that they implemented during the original creation. Most players who die doing hardcore Classic either die from bad RNG or griefing.

And yet the net result is elimination of the social fabric of the game and the economy. So is it the same game now that none of you are permitted to ever group up in the world? Never can help anyone or ask for help? Never can buy the things you need that the game intended for you to have?

Seems really antisocial to me.

And especially the part where on reaching level 60 you guys are all going off hardcore. But you get to keep calling yourself “hardcore” because you got an achievement for reaching 60 without associating with anyone.

Run into the murloc camp in Elwynn naked only auto attacking I bet death comes quickly for you.

Hardcore is fun because everything feels like it’s important. When you get a green that normally you’d feel like ‘oh, what a piece of garbage’ is actually now ‘nice, i got a great item’ and you can feel how useful it is. when the eventual overpull happens and you make choices they feel weighty and the wrong one will cost you everything.

It’s something the game is missing for alot of people and your progress feels great. It’s more about being strategic before the pull and tactical as the fights are going on. Everyone is doing their absolute best to ensure success cause failure means it’s all over. In a game that is toothless and boring it’s breathed the excitement of mmos back into the community and blizzard sees that.


Wrong forums

Eh its no different than Nuzlockes in Pokemon. If folks wanna do that then cool.

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I feel that way and my characters aren’t hardcore. This is not unique to hardcore. In retail boe greens you get in world content have been nerfed so much they are unusable for the player that farmed them.

The overwhelming majority of people playing “hardcore” right now are not experienced players. When they reach their limit of dying to bad spawns that couldn’t be predicted or being griefed to death multiple times a day, they’ll be done.

This is hilarious. Everybody is ninja-ing each other’s kills because you aren’t permitted to play with other players.

If they give you a hardcore server, it will be a permadeath server, leveling only. When you die, no more appeals to the addon writer’s discord. It will be just for leveling. But maybe Blizzard will let you buy a rez for $60, or transfer off so you can play normally on a normal server.


People will complain about anything not tailor-made for themselves. Let people enjoy things. Damn.


I just can’t wait to see all these hardcore people who are REALLY hardcore about it be angry and cry when blizzard’s rules are basically “one life” not any of these other weird arbitrary things the addon tries to enforce

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Are you playing? On my server, the RP server I have always played on, half the players are named after sex acts or sex organs. Players in chat spend most of their time trashing noobs and women.

I’ve been following the hardcore community for years now and it’s always been a terrible mess that is anti-social. the no grouping rule leads to some real awful behaviors and everyone’s competing and it really just is not fun. also the name thing is the case too I’ve seen some REAL raunchy names that people just get away with.

i really want to play HC wow, but the community rules are so stupid…who comes up with that stuff and finds it fun to basically not interact with anyone?

meeting & grouping up was the best part of leveling in WoW.

I just want to play classic WoW, and if i die, my character is dead. is it that hard to just make a server like that? :nerd_face:

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if you watch anyone bigger stream it and someone tries to help them (not viewers stalking just like, a rando) the chat goes INSANE telling them they’re not allowed to accept help.

the interview about hardcore official said they want to retain the social aspects of vanilla so the community rules are probably gonna go down the drain.

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The interesting thing is that HC WoW turns WoW into a solo player game with other people in its world, after people have spent a decade whining that this game is a solo game with no incentive to group with other people.

Really gets the almonds jogging.