Hardcore experience!

I’m here for you, bud.

We’re not that close, sorry.

Whatever you say, pal.

I have no problem bumping this thread.


Let’s refocus our attention on Opie who so desparately desires it.

Nah forget that.
He’s had his myspace moment.
Carry on with side convos.
My bad.

You know what we’re doing is far more entertaining than the dear diary post, friend.


You got me there.


I put him on ignore last night.

On a side note, my new snow blower arrives today. Very excited.


Oh yeah, you are!

Good guess. Maybe it’s only accidently! I got your point.

Well, at least something we agree! Also, keep in your mind that it was on example like how many boys are using glitches and abusing bugs and nothing happens. So saying that doing this or that would be bad because people would abuse, but then, fix the game and the abuse ends or punish those who use the abuse, it’s simple.

I didn’t say that you use, I say that I suppose you could used any kind of glitch in the past, like you said, don’t matter if it’s intentional or not.

You are right, folk! Are you assuming I’m playing with you because I’m on the English forum? How innocent.

Thanks, I certainly hope not either, for anyone, including you. But stuff happens. Whether you go again or not is your choice. Choose wisely.

You are welcome to post in any language that you like. Translator apps are available for free so we can read it. Enjoy!


Hardcore deaths crying posts are one of the best parts of HC servers.


Well, I would say that I’m having more fun watching the whole “Blizzard Guards” here than playing the game nowadays. For me, now, it’s best part of HC!

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The best of both worlds!

Hardcore is handing out the fun to everyone!

No you didn’t. You’re being intellectually dishonest because you thought you’d come to the forums whining and complaining and everyone here would just agree with you, pat you on the back, give lil baby his warm milkies, we all go “blizz bad” and then have a massive happy smoke circle because you dc’d.

The core of your post is literally “I’m mad because I died to a DC”.

You can keep coping, I love watching tourists get mad before leaving.

I’ll spell it out for you since saying it twice wasn’t enough.

Players using a glitch, while scummy, is not the same as blizzard authorizing something, like a free and infinite use petri via dc protection. You just want it to be the same for your argument but it’s a bad point and idk if you’re just stubborn and coping or too dumb to understand but it’s the last time I’m saying it.

No, it’s because you’re posting on a DP character. Like, I only have the info that you provide. You’re posting on a character from DP.

If you are overseas and playing on an overseas server then idk sucks to suck get skill diff’d by your ISP then.


arent you the one calling people who oppose your view “kids”?

yet you go on a tantrum and tease/bully folks…you are a troll arent you?


You’ve mistaken me for someone else.

I didn’t read any of this. Is it just anither “I died so I’m mad” post? They always try to dress it up as something different.

I can see, assume that your 1468 posts shows how important you should be out there.

And I’ll say one more time, abuse is abuse, glitch is glich, don’t matter where or why, there’s always has people exploring it, so don’t implement something to avoid people abusing is a lie for Americans see.

God, there’s a Sherlock Holmes here!

Ok, so in the speculation of whether you’re just coping or an idiot, I guess we’re going with the latter. Got it.

I mean you can stay wrong. I don’t care. I’m not the one who came to the forums with a dear diary post coping about my bad internet.

You can die on this hill all you want but anyone with warm brain cells can see the difference between players abusing a glitch and Blizzard outright authorizing the ability to null and void the single mechanic of HC.

A horse doesn’t have to drink when brought to water, and wow forum tourists mad about their DC death don’t have to accept reality. Is what it is really. Time to take the funny plant and actually enjoy my time reading your brain rot posts.


Ouch… there’s someone spending a lot of time with “forum tourist” here!

Don’t blame me to pass a good part of your life arguiyng with “forum tourists”, maybe the problem is just you! Just a tip…

Also if you are trying to offend me, well, you couldn’t little american!

I’ll not say you shoudn’t give your opinion, I accept it, different from you, apparently. So, before I leave (like you said, because I have life out here), just another tip: If you have nothing to say, don’t say anything or will be just nonsenses.
I’m not asking for you understand or please me, this post is for Blizzard and not for you, by the way!

Long life protecting Blizzard in their forum, guard! Have fun out there.