Hardcore experience!

You’re not good at hiding it then.

Like I get you think these are some 300 iq comments, but you’re still the one here coping and moaning on about your level 15 something dying to a dc or whatever.

Not if you’re on the forums complaining about how it’s Blizzard fault that your internet sucks lmao

That’s not how any of this works. It’s a public forum and the only Blue activity for anything classic is them telling us the token is going live hours after it went live.

You just can’t stop coping.

You know people say I’m rude, abrasive, arrogant, etc, but then I get proven right. I speculated you were an idiot, rolled with the idea that you’re an idiot, and you then go and prove me right.

Fix your internet and maybe you’ll get a mount one day in HC, unless you quit beforehand like every tourist before you.

bye lmao

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Ohh, he passed respect barrier here! Very well buddy.

Sure, I’ve only 59 posts and probably will stay like it, you don’t, you are a forum predator, the guardian of Scarlet Blizzard Monastery, a brutal paladin of keyboard.

I’ll not say nothing about you in this case, but once a good guy said to me: “the first step is know and accept”… Well, apparently you are in transition to complete the first step towards becoming a better person. Good luck!