Hardcore experience!

As is common, in fact, the internet and YouTube are full of them, reports of frustrating experiences, unfair deaths, bugs, server layers, abusive respawns, etc… Soulslike experience, but not for gameplay, for punishing players by bugs, lags and DC’s that usually happen. Doubt? Log in to Hardcore and go to the Undercity elevator.

Well, I’m just one more, I lost my last character because of a DC on the internet, I was moving to a quest, I took DC, it took about 1 minute for me to be able to reconnect with the Blizzard servers, I loaded my character and, surprise, it was dead, but of course! Took DC, alone, in the middle of nowhere, you’re either lucky or you’re going to die. Blizzard would have a lot to do to combat this injustice, but it won’t! It is better to punish the good ones to avoid abuse of the bad ones than to monitor and punish the bad ones.

I opened a ticket, sent my logs, explained what happened and the answer is clear, as many people must have received, “death is irreversible, no matter the reason”, this gave me a strange bitter taste in my mouth… And I realized what It was obvious, the reason for the message when creating the character, it is easier to blame the player and warn him of definitive death than to fix bugs and problems, implement improvements to prevent character losses due to unprovoked connection drops…

I received a response via ticket that made me laugh, which said: “dying even to bugs or disconnects is part of hardcore mode”, coming from an official response, I laughed but it didn’t surprise me.

It’s funny to say, but the Hardcore experience should be in the game, in the gameplay and not for other reasons, allowing someone to lose a character because they broke through a door, charged and fell into limbo under the map, took DC among many other things it’s not a Hardcore experience, it’s taking a normal game, full of bugs, removing some skills and launching it with definitive death, done anyway, which Let’s face it, it’s nothing new when it comes to Blizzard.

Finally, WoW Classic Hardcore is not actually Hardcore, what is Hardcore today is playing any Blizzard game, paying the prices they ask for games and monthly fees, living with bugs, problems and excuses.

And look, I’m not even going to go into the merits of balancing deactivated skills, for example Warlock’s Soulstone, which is as much an escape tool as Feign Death, Vanish, etc… Just to see the balance of these changes, let us know Blizzard the statistics for level 60 characters in Hardcore, what are the classes? Just so we can do some math.


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So in other words, you’re crying because you agreed you could die due to DC and your character wouldn’t be brought back, that happened, and Blizzard told you something to the same effect. Seems par for the course on these forums. Why play HC if you know this could happen then?

No, Soulstone reverses death. Feign Death and Vanish drop aggro. With FD and Vanish, you don’t die. The only thing SS does is bring you back AFTER you die. Locks have plenty of mechanics to get them out of slippery situations, whereas rogues don’t. Hunters, if they put themselves in those situations instead of their pet, well that’s usually user error :joy:.

Sounds like you’re just crying because you died to DC after agreeing that even in the event of death due to DC your character isn’t coming back.


You know that thing you signed when you created a character? Read it.


That isn’t a bug, it’s because players are morons.

Anyway, sorry you play on dialup.


you know Hardcore servers have a pretty good description as to what you can expect if you make a character. You even have to accept a special disclaimer upon character creation.

Yet, like clockwork theres always someone who cannot stand the injustice of any of these things happening.

This is all part of a hardcore server. You cant stomach it…why are you playing it?


Cry me a river.

Just play softcore with your own rules - problem solved.

Technically, “hardcore” for Blizzard is only having 1 life.

It’s not like Call of Duty hardcore how the bots have increased difficulty, you take more damage, you have no HUD, etc.

However if you would like more difficulty I suggest running around in grey items and restricting yourself to 1 primary and 1 secondary profession.

This is what happens when Blizzard cultivates a playerbase of entitled crybabies for 15 years, caving to every whiny complaint made by the players about the game being ‘unfair’.

I truly hope Blizz doesn’t cave this time. They were generous enough to let players continue to play their characters, just on a different server. Players need to simply grow up, get some perspective, and deal with it.


Joke is on you.

Maybe you missed this part when you started playing wow HARDCORE? You kinda had to click agree to accept prior to character creation.


I was even nice enough to upload the last part, just so you can (re)read it all in its entirety.

Based on your diary log you’ve written I feel you have the capability of reading this too.

Gotta love sock puppet threads.


Blizzard doesn’t care about improving anything, especially if it needs some better work done. They will never fix the 30 second disconnects, which is ridiculous, nor will they change anything. All 3 employees they have for the classic version of wow can’t do something.

They just want the money, the people who made the games because they liked them and really wanted the community to like them are long gone.

I dunno budd. I am having a great time in HC. Over the years, I play when I find it fun. I don’t when I am bored. If you honestly think Blizzard is just after your lousy 15 bucks a month, maybe it’s time to give it a rest.


They really should give us the ability to down vote these garbage posts. How about you leave hardcore and never come back?

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No, you didn’t.

I used the UC and TB elevators multiple times yesterday.

Without dying.

Am I immortal?


Reported for witchcraft.


If they made any changes, whatever they would be, there would be consequences to those changes that would change the nature of HC servers from what they are now, for better or for worse.

For example, if they made it such that you can logout immediately at anytime, and doing so would have you log in at your hearthstone, then this would fundamentally change how HC is played. At the first sign of danger, or a potential wipe, people would logout, whether this includes being in combat or not may be another point of contention, but it doesn’t matter as this example is merely to illustrate that changes will lead to differences in gameplay, regardless of whether they are better or worse for some.

Having said that, things are how they are, and bugs or DCs, much like accidents or freak occurrences IRL may catch us by surprise and there’s nothing we can do about them, though of course there are ways we can mitigate the risks associated with them.

Anyway, it sucks that your character died to something you didn’t have any control over!

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Another person who said “yeah sure if my character dies it dies forever” died and realizes his character is dead forever. Either play HC or don’t, no one cares about your chatgpt made story.


Ok babies, don’t get stressed out. I don’t know about you, don’t matter if there’s an announce when you are creating a character, the game should have be fixed and things changed to protect agains unprovoked logout, this is really hardcore, you die against mobs, not against internet connection or bugs in-game.

In fact, they will never restore a died character and they just don’t fix this game because people like you guys, who thinks Blizzard is the God on earth protect them! Another fact, they just don’t give a bit of care in what I think about the game, even what you guys think about the game.

Also I respect guys who have another way of thinking, I really don’t care what Blizzard fan boys will write here, like a ton of “cry baby”, well, you probably didn’t play Diablo 2 when it was released, World of Warcraft back in 2004/2005, so you don’t know how this game become pretty bad over this years, so I’ve nothing to talk with you, cause you just born and knows WoW only after Activision holds part of it.

So, well, just to know, I’m curious, when Microsoft will finish the purchase? It’s going to happen yet?

Anyway, at least I got laughts when saw that Blizzard really thinks DC and bugs are part of hardcore experience, what a shame, a big company that have a lot to learn! The world is become very strange nowadays!

Okay, after you butchered the crap out of your follow up post’s grammar, I rescind my statement in believing you’d be able to read the pictures I took the time to upload for you.

I’ll highlight the relevant section for you:

By agreeing to play on these realms, you accept that your character’s death is permanent for whatever the reason. This includes disconnections, lag, server outages, gameplay bugs, or any other reason.

You (and literally EVERYONE who has made a hardcore character) clicked, “I AGREE”.

Very strange world indeed. Full of entitlement and lack of reading comprehension.