Hardcore experience!

Oh nice, I obviously didn’t get it until you send it here! Thank you, very usefull.

Anyway, I keep thinking that it isn’t hardcore experience, well if you write a letter in your fridge door like: “don’t eat my donnut or I’ll punish you, opening this door you accept this terms”, don’t give you the right to punish someone, right? There’s laws and others things.

Of course it’s just a kid example to explain to who isn’t understanding it, because in Blizzard there’s no law, right? The lawyers are the developers and to us, just keep to accept or leave.

Hope you guys don’t die due an old non fixed bug. Have fun out there and good luck, you’ll probably need.

You die, you die.

Yes, you have the point, this is what I talked about Blizzard law!

About Zachaios, well, I’m don’t have to know your language, I don’t even like it, I’m forced to use the minimum because you forced it all over the world. So reduce yourself to your insignificant corner, you must barely know geography.

Then offer a solution then, because I can almost guarantee you that it’s your end. In the last, idk, 10 years, I’ve maybe been disconnected from the Blizzard server a handful of times due to Blizzard. Generally on launches, or other major events happening. The rest, the bulk, easily 99% of my DCs are my end, whether its me losing connection itself, my ISP doing whatever they do at 3 am for 5 minutes, power loss, etc. I loathe Blizzard as a company, and only play HC because of those around me, but Jesus guy, I can promise you, your DC is almost entirely on your end.

And as far as the UC elevator is concerned, literally just wait. Stop slamming your face into the door. Should the clipping be fixed? Yes. Should you also just not slam your face into a door, also yes.

I literally hate Blizzard and only play because of friends. Inb4 something about paying them, they gave me wow tokens and I had gold. I have a long time of game time lined up for free because I actually did, at one time, play this game in full.

Ok gramps.

Just go play candy crush and garden already lmao

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Oh no! You have a big point here!

Don’t matter if the DC are in Blizzard side or our side, there’s a lot of ways to protect against it, like become invulnerable for a while when loging in, put yourself in defensive mode when client is not responding, like literally attacking the mob who are attacking you, today you beaten to death without even hitting back, in some kind of ways you could survive an unintentional logout. Always will have guys abusing it, there’s a lot of glitches today and I saw to many using it, nothing will change.

You literally just reconnected to Battle.Net service, seriously that Blizzard can’t know you are just a ghost in the server? Like I said, they know, but to avoid abusing the mechanics, they prefer to level everyone down.

Well, anyway, it’s just my kind of think, so, everyone has the right to think what they think.

I’m pretty sure the dc didn’t kill you. A mob did.

Ok, it’s is VERY RIGHT, now you totally disarmed me and I’m not kidding!

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The agreement you accept when creating a character says as much.

In a perfect world there’d be appeals to outlier situations such as DCs, bugs, griefing, etc, but Blizzard has said they’re not going to do it and I don’t really think we should expect them to anyways. The process for appeals in non-official was convoluted with very strict requirements and Blizzard isn’t going to put those kind of third party requirements on players to appeal their death, nor should we really expect them to.

You are right, I respect that. Mainly for who did’t understand what I mean in this post was to express myself in a way that is unbelievable that with so much time on the game and server there are still silly bugs and no protection in a hardcore environment.

But at end of the day, we know, Blizzard will not change anything just because I said here or a bunch of player did. So, well, I think I already said my point!

It was more like an outburst, which some kids nowadays call crying. Anyway, let me go and do my leveling again, because I either do that or leave the game.

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Yeah that surely won’t be abused by the petri and appeal gang. It totally doesn’t minimize the challenge by allowing everyone their own personal petri at the drop of a connection.

It is objectively better for there to be no dc protection, over giving every player their own on demand, no cooldown, infinite use petri flask.

You’re just mad you DC’d. Go again or quit. We already knew players like you would flock in, die, scream about it, and leave.


Well, between us, you seen to be more mad about I writing something on this post than me that died by an internet problem.

About abuse, it already happens, you probably abused some glitch in some time, so saying these things sounds a little weird to me. As a perfect example, the RestedXP addon teaches you to do logout in some places to get teleported and avoid going by foot or aggro a lot of mobs and dying while try to go out the cave, so many people are just logging off in same places, lol. Maybe you didn’t but who knows, right? Just your absolute truth versus what I think you may have done in the past. Which strikes me as similar to most of the judgment that occurs here by mere ego and status.

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Okay so English isn’t your first language and you seized the opportunity here to lash out at imperialism/colonialism.

Good lad.


Well my friend, the story is not the prettiest and needs to be remembered, things that can never happen again, right? And our friend up there wasted no time in talking about the way I write, typical.


You had a dc happen and lost your character.
You stated you were aware of the conditions Blizzard laid out in the warning pop up before first logging your character into the game world.
But you’re still upset.

If you actually attempted to appeal your death with a ticket and laughed at the response, I’m glad you realized the foolishness of your action.
Be mad or go again.
But you sound as though you don’t want the Blizzard official version of hardcore. Maybe an Era server with the addon would be a better fit for you.


Am I? Am I really mad that you got dc’d and went to the forums to dear diary us? Idk I feel mid about it. Just entertainment really for myself. Is this projection? Are you projecting? It’s ok if you are, I’m used to wow classic players having the emotional control of a puppy who didn’t get his extra extra treat today. Now am I projecting? Who knows. All that we do know though is that you DC’d and went to the forums to complain about DC’ing.

Accidently maybe. Idk I just play the game. Feels more like projection at best and cope at worst though to just start making assumptions.

Anyone who uses RestedXP deserves the scam that they walked into, and any death clips that are super scuffed and I’d normally feel bad about is dismissed instantly if I see RestedXP up, but sure, go off about it ig.

Yeah, a logout skip. Never used one. Don’t really support it either, but I don’t really have a qualm against a time saver due to the game’s coding being bad, over Blizzard outright just giving every player a free and infinite use on demand petri flask.

Your argument sucks. You’re trying to say that I obviously would love this because I obviously use log out skips and they’re obviously the exact same thing, when I don’t support any of it, at all.

So why are you arguing then if I have an absolute truth.

Jesus christ you’re just mad you died to a dc.

Something about English not being your first language so let me do to you what you did to me and just assume things about you. How about you go play on your own server where your ping isn’t through the roof, increasing your chances of a DC. After all, HC, at it’s core, is a solo game mode, even with trading and grouping, so go play at home instead of overseas.

Maybe you’ll make it to 60 then and we won’t have to suffer your cope dear diary post.

You “sound” mad to me all the time.

Enough so that I don’t interact with you even when you say something worth commenting on.

And you forum post on alts with your most common phrase being something about a hug due to your inability to actually communicate, but still filling in your incessant need for attention, thus the constant valueless interjections.

But here we are.

Would a hug help, friend?

Always happy to give you attention.