i think the tide pode generation is very good at making decisions, and quickly in video games.
the current 16 year olds are far better than older people that remember wotlk man that’s just fact. look at these 8 year olds making insane money cuz they’re at the top of Fortnite when it was blowing up.
it took me 3 weeks to figure out fortnite and get my first win and these tide pod kids are paying for their parents house with fortnite, they are deff better
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They make insane money because streaming is like 100x further along than it was then, nother trope.
Also we are talking about wow.
you give off the vibe of someone that wants to relive glory days and current stuff is not as good as it use to be man and that’s not a great mindset to be in.
10 years ago when i was playing mmos the top talent builds were a secret and the best players wouldn’t tell anyone what they were, now you can google the best build for your spec and get 5,000 results.
idk if it was the same as wow i wasn’t playing wow as a kid
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No, just objective. Think it would be easy doing everything you do now on dk with 10 more relevant binds and dark xform that you have to use 5 globals to charge while stance dancing?
i agree with you that the pruning is lame and i want more buttons to press. that’s why unholy is my favorite class in the game because it has the most. it’s still not enough and i would LOVE it if classes were harder to play at a base level
It’s a terrible model for PvP. It creates a massive barrier for entry and punishes new/not good players twice. Once for not being good and once for not having the gear. You really haven’t thought this through if you think it’s a good system.
not really aside from gutter bracket 2s you’re not gonna fight players with better gear and if you are you can just do mythic + for equal gear it’s really easy
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System would be perfect if they stop letting 1400 players get 2100 gear from rbgs
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YES 10 char and most of those 1400 players with rbg gear LOOK like boosters so it makes people think the issue is boosts it’s not it’s rbgs
If I lose its because it was a booster because I never play bad or make mistakes
BC, wrath, cata, WoD, MoP. Every expansion has allowed casuals to eventually catch up in gear. They gear up much slower but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. This expansion there’s not even a flicker.
Come 9.1 many players will still be at ilvl 200 if they haven’t done rated, and still get thrashed. No other game does this in a PvP setting and even wow didn’t do this for the vast majority of its lifetime. It creates artificial break points that are extra hard to get over. New players are punished exceptionally hard. People will just stop participating. I haven’t done arena on this guy in over a month because my partner’s all quit and I refuse to lfg.
Imagine if a shooter gated the guns that did the most damage behind rank. Or if higher rated players in league started with more items based on rank. You’d think the PvP in those games were a joke. That’s wow PvP right now, a joke.
If you’re 205 or 210 in 3s above 1600 the majority of players will outgear you.
any 1300 player can hit 1800-2100 in rbgs. or run mythic + non issue people are just lazy
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They shouldn’t have to run rbgs in order to compete in arena. That’s backwards.
Read my response to frankentroll. Players are quitting left and right, and PvP is one of the main culprits.
I took a break from the forums and Amatox started making sense with valid points. 2021 confirmed sim. I’m in your court now Ammyboi.
Edit: By break I mean ban.
i don’t believe blizzard should cater and let casuals instantly hit 60 and enter compettiive ranked endgame sorry gotta build ur character if u wanna fotm reroll
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It’s not instant. But they should be able to catch up eventually.
i was getting muted to much for trolling
What’s worse: Rating gated iLvl or torghast + renown mandatory timegates for every alt lol
Both suck. And the fact you can’t grind anything in this game anymore because everything is gated or soft capped. Anima, stygia, soul ash.