Hard Truths

Okay, as stated before… 2nd account

yeah you and everyone else in the lfg window lol

ur achieves are from 2016 man what is helpful about lying. nobody is questioning your ability here it’s not relevant this post was for helping people stuck realize it’s about pushing themselves not against blizzard

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Again, i never claimed to be great but i do have duelist xp and achieves. This is another account so i can post here… Havent played this toon in a very long time.

Sorry, only 2k achieves in 3s… Duelist in 2s/rbgs

okay man well i don’t really use the forums to compare rating and achieves thanks for the input tho i hope ur r1 account gets unbanned

Reading hard for you? LOL, keep trying to be condescending when you have nothing better to offer.

i just don’t believe you that you have higher achieves on a different account. if this is ur new account and ur highest is 1750 in 3s from 5 years ago your old account isn’t relevant and probably not even real. idk why you insist on lying nobody was questioning your rating

I don’t think it’s too outrageous to admit there are more gimmicky, one-shot classes than usual this season. There’s several different classes that can chunk you for 40%+ in one hit. Even R1s are dying to convoke/pyro/ret wings without having time to react.

Just so you know…I main rdruid but rerolled to disc and cheesed duelist rating in rbgs this season. Miss my druid but their not in a great spot compared to easy DISC.

congrats on duelist in rbgs?

Congratz on putting in tons of time and staying duelist? So, can i use your own words…?
Okay, let me try this… “Git Gud”
Since you obviously can’t improve or don’t want to :wink:

i do need to get good, there’s a lot of mistakes i make and i’m self aware of that.

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Then, don’t throw rocks if you live in a glass house.

you’re taking my post the wrong way though. this is the mindset i have to try and get better. and i’m working towards that because i would like to get better at WoW. I really believe my original post here is HELPFUL to people that are stuck in a rut with their rating.

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Not helpful when you’re being a hypocrite and condescending. Try a different tone and i think you might actually accomplish what you supposedly are trying to do.

ur right my tone is a problem, i get very irritated with people that refuse to think anything other than they “played perfectly” and those kinds of people cause me to be snarky

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Awww, sweet sarcasm. Again, people can play perfectly and still lose to gimmicks.

not really. actually.

not really, back in wotlk cata and mop there was 2x burst on more classes and way more abilities. Literal one shots, meaning one global don’t exist anymore.

1400 in mop is like 2k now my dude. People make way worse decisions in actual play. There is more to being good than binding.

i’ve heard the opposite a lot more that tbc/wotlk achieves don’t mean anything because people didn’t know how to keybind until 2.1k i could be wrong tho i only played wod and legion so far

Again, key binding doesn’t equal skill though. That’s a generation tide pod trope because they know their decision making (actual skill) is non existent.

Like these idiots couldn’t deal with mindflay corruption even though the thing had 2k HP in an expac where everyone was hitting over 8k on a global. Easy for dot classes too because of the up front tick on dots now.

Its one of those “had to be there” things if you are talking about the old days.