Hard Truths

This expansion is no different. Just stop being bad.


I have the gear, I’m fine. Quit trolling.

Everyone who disagrees with you isn’t a troll you schmuck


Except in literally every example you just made the outcomes inside the game are entirely determined by skill. League? you got outplayed. The pro’s champion didn’t hit twice as hard as yours at level 1 for first blood. Overwatch? Outplayed. That enemy tracer didn’t finesse your whole team with a pulse bomb because she had 5 more blinks than a noobie somehow. Chess? outplayed, plain and simple The secret grandmaster wasn’t given all queens on his board.

In WoW the numerical outputs of damage dealt and damage received between two players is almost entirely determined by the ilvl of the gear each is wearing with some variation based on modifiers (cooldowns) and player choice (“optimal” key sequences)

This would be trolling, seeing as this expansion is different you schmuck.

You haven’t played since MoP. You don’t even know what half the expansions were like. Stop posting youre embarrassing yourself.

Oh wait you played one season of BFA, probably complained something was holding you back, quit again. Came back for SL and now you’re in the same boat.

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This is called Ad hominem, Google it. I’ll add that legion also had scaling and I’m pretty sure BFA did too, so your point is moot.

Look dude I get it, Duelist Frankendude climbed and got his 2100 and now wants to protect his advantage, it’s human nature. I’m sure you have a bunch of buddies you PvP with and aren’t forced to hit lfg and play with the dregs of wow.

The fact is casuals are the backbone of this game, whether you want to acknowledge that or not. Come 9.1 average Joe who plays 10h a week just doing BG’s and WQs will still be at ilvl 200 and unable to hold their own in instanced PvP. I feel the need to reiterate that this has not been the case for almost all of wows history. If I could draw, I’d draw you a picture of why creating a system that doesn’t allow a casual player to ever catch up in gear (for PvP) to someone much better than them is a terrible system, so that maybe you could understand.

User numbers are down 41% from November to January. The free fall will continue, and casuals are the main drivers of this. But hey at least Duelist Frankendude is having fun.

I’ve only played through LFG this season.


I’m currently at duelist and rival on my toons and i don’t agree that upgrading ilvl should be locked behind rating.

It’s not you can also run mythic + or rbgs pretty free. Hitting max lvl and instantly queing makes it not an mmo they tried it in legion.

High end gear being rewarded from completing high end content has kind of been the basis of MMOs since they were created.

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Boosting in pvp is extremely cancer thing . Some R1 glads are selling 0-2400 RBG rating for gold in my realm. Some rich guys bought the carries and playing at 1400 -1600 arena bracket with 233 weapon isn’t legit for pvp. If wod system comes back, all gears will be equalized and boosting won’t be a problem in pvp but the boosters won’t be happy about that.

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Time is not free. If you can’t play a lot at one time you can’t do those things. Little Timmy playing 10h a week should still be able to be on equal footing after months and months of work.

Nobody said anything about instant gear, and check the definition of MMO.

Not. In. PvP. And you know why? Because it’s not conducive for a healthy PvP environment or maintaining a stable population of pvpers.

Easiest way to fix is to have the vault to award max-ilvl PvP gear. You only get to pick ONE a week, and you may not get the piece you want. AND, you have to intentionally NOT pick mythic+ or raid gear. So the earliest you could get a full set would be 15 to 16 weeks (which is about 4 months, how long is a PvP season again?). But that would be like winning the lottery. You will have some weeks where you won’t get gear because you already have all the ones the vault gives you. PvPers will get get their gear faster, just like WoD. PvEers who fake PvP will get the gear they want, eventually. And it rewards time invested. Right now, you can sink all the time in the world and never hit 1600 (much less 1800) and get upgrades. There will be a lot of people this season who would normally hit 1800 who just simply will not get there.

This current system of upgrading everything when you hit a rating really stonewalls just about every player out there, encourages boosting, encourages toxicity and gatekeeping, just everything bad about the game is multiplied 100x. It makes LFR groups horribly, shamefully picky about who they invite.

You shouldn’t only be running into rogue/mage or healer/dps at 1400 rating in 2s. You should be seeing just about every combo under the sun until about 1700 rating, then seeing meta comps at 1800. But right now because of all the gear gatekeepers, boosters, RBGers/2v2/3v3 queuing into other brackets, all you see is meta comps and full 213/220/226 gear past 1k rating.

I watch streamers. I’ve played harder games at 1400 than many streamers I’ve seen at 2k+. I see no comms streamers play steady at 2k+. That is atrocious and the gear gap is the ENTIRE reason why.

It’s not just HP that gets boosted with ilvl. It’s all the secondaries as well. And lets not forget the most important of all for many classes: weapon dmg. I recall reading that a player with 226 ilvl has something like a % overall (hp+secondaries+weapondmg) power increase vs ilvl 213.

Take me and a 226 pally (non tauren). I’m ilvl 213.
35600 HP vs 40480 HP = 12% difference
1202 str vs 1303 str = 8% difference
54.2 weapon dps vs 65.1 = 7% difference
26.7 % vers vs 32% vers = 5.3% difference
24% mastery vs 29% mastery = 5% difference
4.1% haste vs 7% haste = 2.9% difference (running total 25.2%)
14% crit vs 9% crit = -5% difference (vault gear was crit heavy)

Grand total: 35.2% difference in player power.

But you’re right. A 35% advantage doesn’t mean anything right?

Game design decisions have been slowing going downhill since Activision acquisition. There’s a reason I don’t invest in Activision.

213 vs 226 ilvl is a ~35.2% overall player power difference (hp/primary/weapon dmg/secondaries). Whic is about 2.7% per level.

So a fresh 60 in 197 gear is 78.3% weaker than a 226 geared player.

You could be top 100 PvPer to have ever walked the earth. You’re not overcoming that handicap.

Sports? Like physical? You mean tier like weight classes? Because you’re weight isn’t predetermined by genetics right? I guess a featherweight boxer could obese up to heavyweight and roll with the heavys right? 5’4’’ 320 lbs rofllll

Last I checked competitive sports have very strict rules about gear giving an unfair advantage. Bodysuits banned in swimming. Baseball bats must be smooth.

No, like you perform well and you get sponsor deals for equipment and travel and things like that. But you have to perform at that level generally without sponsors before you can get them.

What. 10char






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