Hard Truths

-Boosting is not the reason your placement is what it is

-systems that reward higher performing players with higher performing gear is a good model and is used in most systems to include irl

  • You’re not entitled to high rating because of hours spent, it’s a competition not participation

-if you’re losing to carries you’re getting 1v2d and therefore you did not pLaY pErFeCtlY

  • 2v2s are lame and it’s weird to take them seriously. Sorry the game is intended to be coordination with your team and trading CDs and no matter how they balance 2v2 will always be a dps race to oom the healer

  • Soloq would make you more tilted with the game than you’re currently tilted.

-its not a bad thing to be stuck in a rating bracket. You don’t have to get Glad + to have fun. Realize that and just play the game, if your goal is to get to a higher bracket figure out what you’re doing wrong and improve

-there are things you can do to stop convoke and divine toll

  • Condemn warriors are BFA destro locks

It’s a good system for PvE, but long term I think it negatively impacts PvP

I’d prefer a system that has little to no barrier to entry for PvP


The only thing I really disagree with is the gearing. IMO, I’d like to see an entry set (honor) and a ranked set (conq). Obviously this works better when there’s a pvp stat to prevent OP pve gear.

With so many different ranks in pvp, it’s super discouraging for anyone new to start against players who have double your health and vers.

Progression should exist in MMOs, but there should be a limit in PVP.

Edit: I’d actually like to see 3 sets. A slightly lower tier below honor that can be crafted. In the past this was always a really nice way to get the PVP stat for random BGs.


this doesn’t happen unless on rare occasions where a duelist + player is selling carries. and in that situation it’s usually a 1v2


This is highly incorrect.
Even under the most drastic circumstances, the psychology alone is different from a true 1v2 out in the world. In a match, even if the second person does 0 healing, 0 damage, 0 CC, they are still present and a threat. Cooldowns need to be preserved, CC needs to be held, etc.

Example: I recently hit 60 with my boomkin, I had 22k life going into 2s games with my Rogue buddy. He’s in rival gear, only about 210ish ilvl but it’s enough because the ENTIRE time the enemy team is waiting for me to come out, waiting for convoke, holding off on CDs/CCs because they THINK I’m a threat. That alone gives my rogue an advantage.

Let’s take it a step further. He opens, he gets a few cooldowns, but I feel like he didn’t get enough. I press ONE button, solarbeam, then I IMMEDIATELY run and restealth, poof I’ve just instantly forced another 2 cooldowns or more out of sheer panic. That’s not a 1v2. Ended up getting 1600 with around 25k life. Beating multiple glad carries etc simply by exploiting that suspense factor of me staying in stealth. It’s not a true 1v2.

Carries are an issue when the ilvl difference is close to 3-4 CONTENT tiers of power. The game used to be 15% (I couldn’t find the vid or quote, but I remember blizz used to say tiers were 7-15% power jumps) and currently we have a system where people go from 158 as a fresh 60 to 220ish fighting duelist gear and it’s WELLLL over a 200% boost to overall strength. 197-220 is even well over 50-75% power.


This simply isn’t true lol. Even with Rival gear, you can have well above 15k more health than someone slightly lower rank. You get people who play to an average rank in RBGs then run arenas all the time.

Personally, I can’t imagine starting ranked arenas without at least combatant/challenger gear.

The difference is just too large, imo


The exaggeration is real.

My main in almost full duelist conquest gear, 39.7k health.

My alt that hit 60 over the weekend in mostly renown and some honor gear, 31.5k health.

Where is this 15k health difference?



Stealth OP?


if gear is an issue then play an mmorpg. go run some mythic keys until you have a good starting set. so boring listening to people make excuses


Abso-freaking-lutely. The rogue conduit that gives them a shield is basically free infinite vanishes.


Depends on class, but even in the most drastic of cases (Rival warlock vs challenger clothie/leather) we’re looking at a difference of MAYBE 4-6k? The issue is when it’s 0 CR vs 2100 CR gear. That’s when you start to see around 30k life vs 40-45k depending on classes.

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I remember back in cataclysm I was on my ret carrying a mage guildie. She had no idea how to play her class. I told her to just spam poly on one target the whole game. It worked and we got some wins at low cr.

I fought this exact scenario during the gearing I described. Mage didn’t even bother stealthing, but we don’t bother because loltriune is hard to deal with as rogue. We assume all players are 1800+ regardless of rating due to boosts. Dude just spammed poly until their partner died. Half the time on me, a boomkin. >_>

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Yeah, I mispoke with that. I have a warlock alt with about 40k health (not great for locks) and I was frequently facing around 28k. So, I’ll take that L.

That aside, I still 100% stand by my original point. I can’t imagine starting ranked arenas below combatant gear (at least). Even in terms of secondaries, the difference is pretty crazy in lower ranks.

IMO, the fewer sets the better for pvp


Yeah I agree, they should’ve done 197 honor gear, 210 basic conq gear, then 220 at 2k rating or something. This whole… 6-7 ilvl bump every 200 rating just creates MASSSIVE gaps. I wanted rating back on gear, I still think it’s healthy to have, but it should be either ONE set of rating locked gear (like wotlk) or the gap needs to be MUCH smaller like 2-3ilvl per bump.


doesn’t dk have a 15% passive stam buff?
To be honest I don’t play an alt so idk how it’s going on in the fresh bracket

Dk does have a baseline 10% more stam, so a non dk (or lock) would be around 28k at that ilvl.

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This is a tough one because you only need to push rating in one bracket to get this gear, so potentially you could see that same gear from a 2.1k player in 2’s, but play him at 0 cr in 3’s and RBGs… I’m not saying it’s common, but it technically has 2 brackets it could happen in (assuming [which i understand is dangerous] they only pushed in 1 bracket). but with the way people are clamering for RBGs to be the way to gear, it’s not unlikely we could see them try arenas as well.

however all this and I still understand Skill > Gear.

10% for uh/frost

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Personally, I’m one of the few that would rather see PVP gear lean toward lower ilvls (similar to pvp gear in cata/mop).

However, I’d still be very happy with the ilvls you mention as well