2700 player that tanked his rating and being matched with ppl of rating skill lvl 1200 is obscene. When you have a lot of ppl doing that it makes it hard for those to climb properly and Learn. Is not a l2p issue but a “stop being a butt hole and realize you’re a cancer around here
The system is broken… if you’re so high performing then be matched against other high performing players. Problem is that your ego is too far up your butt…
Nobody wants high rating just for participating, they want to earn high rating through the process we are being forced to use… is broken and when we get matched with ppl with higher skill than us that’s not what you fall a lvled playing field isn’t it?
Stop making excuses… tanking your rating to face others that just started is abusing the system… again… cancer
You’re lame…
If 2’s is a joke then don’t have it in the game. Why offer content that sucks? Why only balance around 3 v 3 while everything else is like chugging a gallon of vomit? Who’s fault is that?
I can show you endless videos of getting killed in 0.1 seconds. Stop making excuses and acting like a cancer… admit stuff is broken and you just don’t care…
A mistake is a mistake just in a different class. Say that blizzard messed up again instead of saying “chill warriors are the locks of bfa and deal with it”
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WOW you are butthurt all i did was explain how mmr works and why you’re winning 0 points at 1200 man.
Is not that I’m hurt but the fact that ppl are genuinely telling you why carries are bad and how is hurting them (no bs or entitlement) and all you do is make excuses when is not hard to see they are right. Zero F’s given. What can I tell you.
boosting will always happen in 2s. but not every single game you play is a boost. not by a long shot. if ur 1400 now you would be 1400 if there was 0 boosting. it’s objective truth
“I’m not good enough to hit the rating I want so let me make a bunch of excuses”
We all start at 0cr.
Hard truth here. WoW is a video game made to be played for fun.
If people aren’t having fun Blizzard will simple reshuffle the rules again to encourage the people who aren’t having fun to stay subbed.
People want fun. Blizzard wants money.
There’s nothing else to it.
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Certain rating lvls are only boosters. Ppl do nothing to get to a certain rating just to get knocked back down as fast. Rinse and repeat. Not every but at least this PvP season is full of them. Wow is made of a lot of ppl and everyone has a place… unfortunately you’re the minority and with time and enough complaints they’ll get their way.
Get a grip. The only thing holding you back is yourself.
Some people don’t have the time to put in over 1600 games to reach duelist status
Lol okay…but the truth is still there.
all i do in this game is play arena and i only play 1 character per expansion. i log in and hop in LFG. my arena games played is always gonna be high idc what to tell you.
even if i get to 4000 rating in 50 games i’m not going to stop playing otherwise i’d find a new game. what a weird insult
and i only play evenings/nights i got a wife and kid + 50 hr a week job… sadly my wife’s nat guard so she’s been back home handing out covid vaccines for over a month and i have a lot of free time when i’m not facetiming my son
Just saying, you’re very condescending to others and use the “git gud” when your game play is obviously no where near perfect.
Yes, boosters are not whats holding people back but there many things that are busted/broken that needs fixed.
My biggest problem with this xpac is covenant abilities. It’s corruption 2.0 and it carries a lot of people actually.
Covenant/lego’s need removed from arenas imo
you may not like it, but the answer to getting better at ANYTHING in life is to “git good”
not in a simplistic way, what could you do better and do you care enough to improve?
if somebody is a 1200 rated outlaw rogue and they actually focus inward and learn things they would go up as far as they were willing to push themselves. but if instead they just whine about other classes and gear and boosters and covenants they will stay where they are.
this post is meant to be an eye opening helpful thing
Well, right now, reaching 1800 in 2s puts you in the top 8% of all players. That indicates that the lower elos are inundated with a greater swathe of experienced and competitive talent, therefore making it significantly more difficult to climb than in past seasons.
I think people might be stuck at 1600, when usually they reach 1800 or even 2k fairly easily, and accuse boosters and their carry-ons of throttling their CR growth potential, when really these indignant challengers may be exactly where they’ve always been percentile-wise, just represented by a slightly lower CR.
the average 1600 player is also a lot better than years past because of twitch/youtube craze and skill capped videos.
people at 1400 use focus macros
this means the wall you have to climb over is a lot tougher than in the past. meaning if you were 1800 easily in past seasons than 1600 is actually about right if you aren’t actively improving everytime you play. which YOU DONT HAVE TO. but if you want higher rating you DO even 2400 + those people could improve if they wanted to. it’s not a rating shaming get good thing it’s things that will actually help people if they read it and think about it
Agreed but i’ve also played against people around 2k-2.2 that don’t have their interrupts binded, never cc and win on straight damage/gimmicks.
why lie and say 2-2.2k when ur highest achievement is 1750 in 3s tho how is that helpful to anyone
you do have 2k in 2s from a few years ago but we’re not talking about the meme bracket here