Happy to sign the new social contract, but here's the thing

how does one intentionally feed in a game where dying does not buff the opponent (games where feeding is usually Lol, which has the most toxic community i have ever seen).

also blocking team progress…im so confused on the wording of this. can i get reported for just being a bad player and holding my team back.

this is nothing against you btw, just looking at this more it confuses me.


It’s “community safety” theater.

It’s just a tool to give people with inflated sense of value power.

The game is rated T.

The game is not “the world”. It is private property with a set of rules.

You have other websites that don’t have any moderation or rules if you prefer those. THIS is not that safe space where you can say what you want without consequences and you won’t get Blizzard to back off on the rules. The rules have not changed to speak of since 2004. Only reporting tools and enforcement.

You control what you type. You have choices.


yes you can with the progress thing

Exactly. Intentional feeding is going to be left up to the players when mass reporting on their own interpretation of this. The player could just be new to the game or have bad gear. :joy:

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but its not new, you already signed the very same thing before lol.

but it didn’t have the word “social” in it before so it wasn’t “woke” so it wasn’t bad!!!

No, not being good is a reason to kick you, not report you. They mean people who intentionally wipe a raid over and over which they do currently action but there is no easy report option. I don’t PvP, but I would imagine it also would apply to intentional disruption of a BG to cause trouble for the team and make them lose on purpose.

I am sure the CS forum will end up having examples on it of things people get a penalty for and the CS folks will explain it further. I really think this is the stuff they already action for - and they are just making reporting it easier vs having to put in a ticket for some of it.

Indeed. That gives more opportunity to lead by example. Kids aren’t delicate flowers and the more you expose them to the REAL world, the more opportunities they have to learn how to successfully navigate it. This just infantalizing them, and we see what that’s done to the latest generation of adults.

When I was a Teen, we were exploring a world, one more dangerous than anything that a teen could find in a video game, and we survived. Teens will do just fine without Blizzard helicoptering for their parents.

Indeed. And as such they don’t need you sterilizing it for them. The kids will be just fine without you mucking about with it with your nanny state.

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I never thought WoW would ever be ran by hall monitors, but here we are.


from a person who played league, it wont stop people reporting people for being bad. your team losing, someone says “report this dps or healer for being afk or intentionally feeding cause of (insert dumb reason here)” and if dungeons or other content has taught me anything. Is people will do what you say without asking or thinking.
though this probably would be discussed in its own thread and would be the same with or without the social contract (since its pointless and just restates something under a different name)

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You are complaining about a game that has had the same chat rules since 2004. It did not break anyone then, and won’t break anyone now.

There are plenty of other places you can be as awful as you want to be.

Private Property rights thankfully still exist - you get to set the rules in your home or business, and Blizz gets to set theirs. You don’t get to force your version of rules on someone else’s property.

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How can you determine intent though?

I am a disabled old man. I make mistakes - its why I dont do much group content anymore because I dont want to hold others back.

  • What if someone decided I am doing it intentionally?
  • Would I be banned?
  • Would they question me to where I could explain my issues before banning me?
  • Would the players reporting me be banned for " * Hate speech, including negative comments that target another player’s identity, including aspects like race, gender, or ability"

I agree we can all be nicer, On the forum sometimes I can be a real tool. With that said Forcing “community” is not something that I want to do. Their are plenty of things that I can do as a solo player. I will do dungeons at times but mostly solo.

I am not bothering anyone of else and I am respectful to people to the point that I don’t do some group content I am free to do because my poor play on some toons could effect others. Forced group play though is not the answer.

I’ve never seen so many bad takes happen in such rapid succession

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You keep dodging the questions:

And it’s because you know that the vast majority of your players wont accept the answer.

We’re not having any more of this Cult nonsense.


This will definitely go south real fast.


Like I said before, it’s going to be hilarious seeing how this pans out for the people defending it right now. History has shown they’re usually the first to fall victim to these sorts of policies, and given the attitude some are displaying when given situations where things like this are absolutely abused, they’re most assuredly going to fall victim to the policies they’re defending.

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After the patch, I expect I will be playing the game as I do now and communicating the way I do now.

Life is so much simpler when you check out of /trade and the competitive parts of this game. I’m too busy working on my own goals to offend or take offense.

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everything can go down that hole of
attempt to inflame