Happy to sign the new social contract, but here's the thing

.5 is going to be a complete disaster. Regardless of what’s being said i think its best to just turn off chat and not take the risk. Spend some time going solo until this trashcan fire hopefully simmers down.

I agree with this. I don’t agree with forcing players to be “nice”. Taking out things to make the game a safer place isn’t the answer. Encouraging group play is.


Social contract isn’t that useful for improving the mood in the game. It is simply informing the general population that they will be enforcing chat rules.

If Blizz wanted a more civil game, they would let people farm where they want to farm. WoW community is exceptionally dour because Blizz leadership is exceptionally authoritarian and discriminatory.

Here’s the singular cause of WoW’s problems, top to bottom, inside and out. There is one singular path to farming main stat in WoW right now, +15 keys. Most people hate +15 keys. A lot of people are not physically or mentally capable of +15 keys. Most people want more main stat so the game plays better in general. If all you want to do is pick flowers in Maldraxxus, you still want more main stat. They make the pool of +15 key seekers be everyone from every perspective and every play style with every goal all going to this one place that is unpopular and miserable for most people.

How you fix this perpetual contention and toxicity and general misery? Get rid of rating requirement to spend valor, get rid of valor cap, get rid of vault exclusive enhancement tiers, increase the base costs of enhancement, make rating reduce the valor cost of enhancement tiers to be cheaper than they are now. Make higher difficulty the efficiency path, not the exclusive path. WoW sucks because of inflexibility, and pretty much nothing else.


I like that people are this upset over having to accept a social contract that literally just reiterates the EULA they’ve not taken the time to read in 2 decades


im more agreeing with people saying “the start of .5 is going to be squelch central so it might be better to not say anything for the first part of it till it dies down”, more then saying the contract is bad.

Imagine… a game genre based on collaborative and competitive social interactions where nobody uses the provided social tools out of fear of attracting the wrong persons attention.

GG Blizzard Community Council

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100% agree

Given how disastrous .5 will be its mostly a good thing world pvp went the way of the dinosaurs.

I could only imagine the results being similar to new world.


and ill be happy to turn off all chat even whispers except guild chat.my account protection is worth more then dealing with report happy people.

No matter what we believe, manpower in systems cannot defeat the toxicity of the internet. FFXIV only manages to suppress toxicity through minimal numbers and an established “friendly” environment.

Give it time, let it sit at the #1 MMO position long enough, and I guarantee you it will become the same toxic cesspool WoW can be.

That’s all hypothetical assuming FF continued to be “the best MMO”. I don’t see that happening any time soon.

I can also assure you toxicity does in fact exist in FF. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, a single report isn’t necessarily going to fix the issue.

Cant have that when you have two factions at war and the company making the game actively makes the factions hate each other. So much they make expansions and commercials advertising the fact you hate each other.

FFXIV did it well. We are all on the same team but sometimes we have PvP wargame then are friends after the match…

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They could have done housing better. Ive seen other mmos with less of a budget have better player housing.

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All this contract is going to do is force people to speak more in Discord for fear they will get reported or banned. As a result, this game will seem even less social and more empty than it already is.

It’s hilarious honestly. The response to those of us who are skeptical and pointing out the loop holes just get met with “that wont happen, you’re just fearmongoring”…like we haven’t seen this exact same thing happen in other online games time and time again for the past decade.

We aren’t making this stuff up, it’s happened in other games and believing it wont happen here is, at best, naive.


Yup. They’ll see though eventually.


I like that you haven’t read it if you think this. The social contract is more vague.

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Other games? Dude, it happens IN REAL LIFE! It happens with laws and other such things too.


It’s crazy because barely anyone even speaks in old hang out spots for Alliance like Goldshire at it is, now it’s going to be pretty much empty there due to everyone turning off their public chats so they don’t get reported due to this new social contract. The WoW killer was really WoW in the end.

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It was always said that only wow would kill wow.

The game may go on but nobody should ever expect to see chat channels used again going into the future.

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what i am more afraid of is that people will report you for not helping them to clear the chest and open it together and not just opening and leaving.

or help them with an elite that they are having a problem fighting.