Happy to sign the new social contract, but here's the thing

so your fine with constant lies? this is the problem. yes it forces repeated lies. why? the truth is pretty painful to many people. some with disorders that are not pc to point out are at their core self delusion… and like alcoholism get worse as they are enabled. it also simply makes people infer in round about ways what would have been openly stated. yes i understand its following certain eastern phylosophies of dont openly insult someone but it can be also made worse by this. it also can be construed to enable far worse such as the Bejing problem… Tienamen square mentions during that time if this were to happen today would be the ban hammer…instead of actually shedding light on what really did happen instead of the party line on what happened. so we have a choice… the truth or openly encouraging people to get along and simulaineously creating resentment over the truth… its one of the reasons many social engineering projects have bluntly failed in their aim while politically being a success Bullying in schools is one that leaps to mind…officially its not encouraged… but there are ways around it where the bully now just has to indirectly emply it and nothing can be done unless you want the faculty brought up on descrimination charges. as for the /spit emote? you didnt play original warcraft did you? it was a part of the original game just like the peons and the " READY TO WORK!" saying.

Not sure if this is directed at me or the OP but here’s my response:

WoW is a social game first and foremost, it’s not a single player “videogame”, so let’s just be clear on that. Second, in real life, I am 100% all about free speech. The current “censorship culture” I see arising in the US is fairly frightening. I hope it goes away.

With that said, Blizz, as a private company has a right to free speech of its own and if they are interested in creating a certain social climate in their social game, then on some level, if you truly support free speech, then you have to accept that.

My post is to point out that Blizzard cannot just put “being better” on the players, they have to do their part as well, when it comes to game design.

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Do you believe Activision Blizzard, as a private company, also has a right to free speech?

And if so, would you also agree that in accord with that they have the right to curate the social climate they want to achieve in a social game?

I am with you on the free speech argument. But I think if you zoom out you can see Blizz’s attempt at encouraging/enforcing a certain social climate in what is primarily a social game, is also a matter of free speech.

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Thats all true, but i dont like where theyre going with this, it could turn into a camcel culture in game where you cant say much of anything.

I think it would be hilarious if MS comes in and takes something akin to Netflix’s current stance on stuff.

Imagine if they implemented a no more sex talk allowed in WoW or banned. I bet most here would be arguing how the ToS cant support that and be arguing for Free Speech

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It’s a game about War.

If you’re looking at a game where there’s no “unreasonable” conflict, beliefs, or insinuations, this isn’t the genre for you.

Then Moonguard would cease to exist :joy:

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Activision Blizzard isn’t a private company. It’s publicly traded.


WoW is a social game primarily, as are all MMORPG’s. If you don’t understand that, then you don’t understand the genre.

And nowhere have I ever argued taking out game mechanics that fit the motif of war in a fantasy setting, so you are really tilting at windmills here.

I cannot imagine playing a fantasy RPG and then only wanting everyone else in the game to engage in the most superficial level of bland heteronormative CIS fantasy so I didn’t feel all icky about sharing the world with players who manifest parts of themselves they might otherwise not be able to.

I can also not imagine then being upset when the game makers asks me not to be a crap human being to those other players, most of whom I will probably never even see anyway, and then drop into hysterics about how I’ll be persecuted for misgendering a video game NPC.

You and “The Marxists” both share a desire to control others. You just want to do it so you can order people off your virtual lawn.

I read this any my mind imagined the AI changing “Hey you stupid ******* **** mongrel, learn to ******* heal.” to “Hey if you did xyz your hps would go up and you’d be able to DPS more :smiley:

might want to check the billions of dollars in damage over who actually went crazy and which one after a year of being detained had to be let go over no evidence of a crime while not being allowed to see a lawyer… as for how people get along? welcome to the human race. this isnt exclusive to wow.never has been. it isnt even exclusive to video games. any reality tv show that ever existed points this out even before they started scripting them. people are different they believe different things. no we dont all get along and never will. never have. FYI checking back threw your history i can name 4 or 5 different cultures that would have been seriously insulted by your posts… so who gets to decide? this is the problem many who want behavior forced fail to understand… when you lock in who gets to decide you find out that what you believed in doesnt always hold your side up. say if the shareholders or a new ceo decide to change what they consider offensive? and your the one who gets the short end? from a sociological point behavior engineering like this tends to back fire in ways you werent expecting…


It’s not government owned or directly subsidized, as far as I know.

Further, publicly traded companies are still considered “private property”.

This is what makes it “private” in this frame of reference, and in accord with that it has a right to free speech.

Or do you think because it is a “publicly traded company” it has no right to free speech? Because that’s the underlying point here.


It is a social game… with a war and conflict theme.

You’re talking about removing the ambient/social conflict items, which would create a disjointed experience.


The vast majority of players couldn’t care less how you fantasize about the sex life of your imaginary character. But let’s not pretend that that’s not the actual value of the “Social Contract” to you all, a tool to be used to force others to buy into your Cult’s religious belief system.


No, publicly traded entities don’t have such rights. Publicly traded entities are subject to much more stringent regulations than Private companies are due to their nature of having multiple owners, IE Shareholders. They are supposed to disclose publicly things such as lawsuit settlements, Shareholder reports, etc…

Yeah they still have some 80 something people locked up without due process. And some of them were just there with signs and werent rioting. But the riots of 2020 throughout the year on left across the country very few were prosecuted and many bails were paid by BLM in California and Oregon. The double standard is insane. Thats all i’ll say about this.


“Crazy” doesn’t require a dollar amount to qualify as “crazy.”

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

The problem is you and everyone who thinks like you have all agreed at multiple points in this game’s lifespan to terms that said you would adhere to a code of conduct set by the game’s owner and that the game owner could boot you from the game at any time for any reason it could contrive.

And now you’re lying.

From a sociological point of view, an inflexible adult human who cannot adapt to a changing social situation is the point of failure in the mix, not the changing social situation.

I don’t think anything will change for you. I think you’ll continue to pay and play because if you had somewhere else to go, you’d have left already.

I cant imagine anyone playing a fantasy game about killing undead and dragons while bringing in their sexuality.

I would love a pure Tolkien type pre-teen fantasy game (and I am an old man) where anyone discussing sex were booted from the game. They have adult sites for things like that.

IMHO any sexual activity, CIS or not, doesnt belong in a video game.

I would love a straight up good vs evil game like we used to get, like you know Orcs vs Humans (where I dont think any players were telling the other team their desires)


There are single player games for that and you can enjoy WoW that way too— but it’s a social game and that kind of stuff is going to pop up amongst the playerbase from time to time. It just is. Deal with it. I do, it’s not that hard.