Happy Pride!

eh. i was sorry, but then they continued to message me… so… here we go

Why are you on the Wyrmrest forums?

Daggerspine is that way. :arrow_right:


Then ignore it? Go back to your own server?


I’ve been deliberately staying out of this because I don’t think a pride thread should be derailed with this kinda debate. Pride is an awesome thing and while I am not LGBTQ+ myself, I have many friends who are, and I support them having the right to be who they are.

There’s a time and place for this cops and race debate. It’s not here. Asbjorn, for your own sake and everyone elses I implore you; please move on and respect the spirit in which this thread was created. This is not the time and place for this discussion, and it’s only detracting from the core message of what pride is.

Happy pride!


i think a bunch of posts either got deleted or moved just now. anyone else notice that?


I think they did yes, seems like a bunch are missing

Also Happy Pride to all my LGBTQ+ friends here and IRL


Happy Pride month to you all. I hope that more progress is made in support of equal treatment of people who have been historically marginalized such as the LGBTQ+ community. Enjoy your month, you deserve it.


Would anyone else like to share their stories of how video games containing lgbt characters helped them? (please do so that I feel less self-conscious about doing so)


i only came out as bisexual this year because of years of misconceptions about myself and homophobia around me, so ive got plenty of years worth of me thinking about characters in stories, games, and shows that kinda opened my eyes.

i suppose really recently i played fire emblem three houses, which has quite a few lgbt characters! the most marketed character and the most popular character in that game, edelgard von hresvelg, is bisexual (tho you really can argue that she’s actually a lesbian, but thats not 100% important here). having her fall in love with byleth (the main character and your player character) just kinda… gave me nice and warm feelings. to the point where i did a lot of self-reflection and realized, “huh”

video games are art. finding yourself through playing one isn’t something to be ashamed about!


I feel like I have to thank Bioware for my early realization, because I spent the entirety of my first Knights of the Old Republic playthrough being salty as hell over the fact that my character’s only romantic interest was Carth- not to play up the overwrought hatred of him from some people, because he’s a fine character… but the whole romantic side of it was just so vaguely frustrating.

and then I blindly stumbled into the lesbian subtext of Juhani’s conversations that don’t show up when you are playing a male character, where it all suddenly just clicked for me.

Followed immediately by Silk Fox in Jade Empire. :heart_eyes:


Fun bit of trivia on that: Bioware wanted Juhani and the female PC to be a full-fledged romance and there’s more lingering content from it in the game files, but Lucasarts flipped out and demanded absolutely no gay in Star Wars.

At the risk of damaging my Grumpy Cred, things do get better as time goes on.


That was fun

I am pretty sure that George Lucas said that Jedi could have sex but they were not allowed to have relationships.

Another fun tidbit; All my Jedi OCs are gay.

Happy pride!

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hey all, do you think this counts as trans rep, for us to celebrate here? Or should we wait to see how it is presented ingame first?


It’s Blizzard so regardless of the context, “wait and see” is the best course of action.

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It sounds like it’ll be mentioned 0-1 times in game so it doesn’t matter unless it’s a femme presenting model and they specifically go by he/him pronouns. It’ll probably be meaningless, as all Blizzards LGBTQIA+ representation in WoW.