Happy Pride!

Forgive me for being human for 1 thread

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No. You are not allowed to be flawed. If you watch the Lion King you will become whole.

Donā€™t do this to me


I know itā€™s not your first day on the internet. Donā€™t converse with the trolling bigot, report the trolling bigot. Silently. Heā€™ll go away when he gets no reactions. And if enough of his posts are flagged, heā€™ll go away for even longer.

Happy Pride.

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Lol Iā€™ll do what I want. We do it all the time. Itā€™s not new. Whatā€™s the deal? Itā€™s like you havenā€™t been here for the last year with soljeron, aggressor and the other one. Itā€™s condescending to suggest we donā€™t know what weā€™re doing and itā€™s MY thread. Where justice isnā€™t served I will be vocal. If enough of us dunking on this clown can change his mind about even commenting again in the future itā€™ll be worth it, otherwise Iā€™m having fun.

I guess that was sorta condescending, my bad.

Itā€™s just that the report flagging feature on this forum is only used to silence people, not to enforce the forum rules. I guess I wish it got used more against trolling bigots, rather than by them.

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Trust me I wish that too, but Iā€™ve kinda realized we collectively as a community will never do that, so instead of letting others troll a troll on my own thread Iā€™ll do it. Usually I stay out of it because I donā€™t think itā€™s very useful, unless itā€™s funny. Sometimes itā€™s funny.

I think itā€™s just a case of the long-term posters realizing that silencing and stuff only ever seems to work when itā€™s used to shut people up about [gamer-hated issues]. You know, stopping people from talking about them.

When we try to flag people for saying terrible things it rarely seems to work and we know how lax Blizzard is so why bother?

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I pretty much gave up reporting anything or anyone the last time we had a massive thread revolving around a homophobe and nothing was actually done about it.

The thing is white people have this shockingly consistent track record, and I mean centuries long, of violently colonizing lands that donā€™t belong to them, enslaving anyone with brown skin and just mass murdering what they canā€™t enslave

So maybe if we were to stop doing that then PoCs would stop (rightly) saying white people have a problem

Likeā€¦ Not doing the thing anymore is the first real step to a better world, wild concept I know


So everything else aside, I was a complete confused disaster in my youth (THE MORE THINGS CHANGE AMIRITE), but I found AVEN back in the day and it helped me feel like less of a crazy unicorn and more of a normal human being.

It sounds stupid, but it really helps to know that youā€™re not the only one. And it helps you feel more comfortable figuring out whatā€™s going on with other people so you can be a better writerā€¦ Without NEEDING to relate it to yourself.

Yay, pride.


I was convinced I was straight for most of my life, until one day I realized I just didnā€™t care. Iā€™ll date just about anyone. Thatā€™s when I found my boyfriend and girlfriend who live in Wales!~ Weā€™re 4,000 miles apart for the majority of days in a year but when we get together itā€™s the happiest weā€™ve been.


I was flagged and now blizzard is probably gonna give me a forum vacation for calling cops racist or something. If I donā€™t come back itā€™s because blizzard loves cops


If you ignore the shockingly large amount of examples of them being kind, supportive and progressive, while simultaneously ignoring that the people in power in all other countries around the world have given into corruption and greed then yeah you could write that narative.

Where are the most progressive countries in the world in regards to LGBTQ+ rights and freedoms? oh yeah europe.

Oh my god be quiet

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My opinion carries no hate or animosity. I am suportive of the rights and freedoms of everyone. This a a forum for discussion and I enjoy debate.

fart noises

I have no interest in debating white colonialism and supremacy on the world of Warcraft realm forum. I have no interest in teaching or educating someone who knows how to google about how for centuries white people and their systems including police are weapons for oppression for BIPOC and other minority and marginalized people.

You donā€™t care, and never will- at least not while ā€œdebatingā€ with me. Get out of here coward

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Aaaaaaahhhh, "Debate me!" The classic mating cry of the common right wing white supremacist.


I used to try to keep an open mind, and give some cops a chance while condemning bad ones.

I used to subscribe to the ā€œnot all of themā€ stance in terms of oppressors.

Because I didnā€™t want to believe humanity was awful.

I was absolutely wrong. Just this passed month, I was refused service for my failing hearing on basis of my race. I had my home broken into, and my daughter terrified by three white police officers who had a mistaken address, luckily, I am still alive. I have had four white individuals scream and yell at me and tell me to go back to my own country, I am Native American, this IS my own country. But I do not advertise myself as such in my online circles because I am afraid of the backlash i might get online for not being white.

My best friend, who is also a minority, was sexually assaulted by a security guard two months ago and from the stress of not being believed, or being blamed, she tried to take her own life this week, she is still with us.

Do not tell me police are anything but wicked.

Defund the police, criminalize private security companies.



lmao or an intellectual. assumptions and labels are the tools of the empty minded sheep

And like, itā€™s always a point for which there is no actual debate because disagreeing with the basic reality of systemic racism is not a legitimate position