Happy Pride!

Clearly a bear.


Glad you can be exactly you who you are, Asbjorn!

the kind who knows better than to provoke more violence with prejudiced animosity and ignorance.
Me too.

If me saying cops are racist drives people to violence I think that proves my point and points I wasn’t even making!

Happy Pride!


Imagine thinking the answer to some harsh words is a rubber bullet to the face.

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spreading predudice towards a race of people, that part. How could you support an inclusive ideaology and be prejudiced? ignorance is the only answer.

happy pride.

Okay boomer

I try not to call people racist but instead focus on their racist actions.

the contents of their hearts are between them and God. we can only speak with certainty about the actions the police departments have taken, and those actions have undeniably been racist.

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wise words

:face_with_monocle::thinking: thinking

Anyway let’s get this thread back on track. Happy Pride!!!

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Maybe the police should try harder to change how they’re perceived? Good thing they clearly didn’t show their hand during the BLM/LGBT+ protests…OH WAIT!!

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hey save some of that for Canada too

Happy Pride Wyrmrest. I may not be under the LGBTQ+ umbrella myself but I’m aware enough and friends with people that are to know what kind of pride should be taken.


I can’t speak on other countries but I’ll take your word for it. Happy Pride, Liotuse!

I am glad that though we may disagree on other things, we seem to agree that

have been racist!

I think that in the current climate it is understandable that many will lash out because, from the perspective of the police’s victims it really does appear like racism is taught to every policeman that upholds this racist system.

so while I personally think there may be non-racist police, I think it is in bad taste to scold people for voicing their understandable grief and anger in this way. while you might call it an untrue generalization, it is nowhere near as harmful as the generalizations these people are vicitms of, since the police are the ones with vastly more power.

I don’t think your point of view is without merit, but it is like coming to a funeral to talk about how the grieving family should suck it up because others have lost family too! I hope that makes sense? :slight_smile:


I’m sure there were like a few good [people responsible for killing millions of Jewish, queer, minorities not too long ago] (I guess the N*** is a banned word lol, but not the ideology of course)

found common ground!

lashing out with generalizations in response to generalizations is undeniably anti progress.
As a true supporter of progress that fact must be understood even if it feels bad for those who are hurting.

Alright we tried can we just ignore this clown now


its hard to ignore the truth.

I’m impressed you even tried to strike up anything with an obvious instigator, but eh. I’m the last person to talk about that.

Fewer cases with black people but those available spaces absolutely taken by indigenous/Metis people.

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