Happy Pride Month!

That man’s attempts at cultural relevance get sadder every time he appears in the news.

I had the benefit/curse of being raised by parents that enjoyed going to pubs and drinking craft, so I never even had a chance to enjoy light beers. I was raised to despise it and have never doubted that upbringing lol

tbh I drink more mead than beer these days


Thank GOD we are all free men and women protected by the Constitution!


Kid Rock acting concerned about kids when he sang this in Osmosis Jones. A kids movie.

Actually I’m not sure I can share this. The song is Cool, Daddy Cool.

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I had the joy of being raised around ones that drank Coors,Miller,the occsionaly budweiser and pabst blue

I know what one you mean

Ok phew. I rarely say this but thats a big ol yikes when I found that out lol

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Very very true

That’s not the same thing. Free speech means he can’t go to jail just because Blizzard doesn’t like something he posts, or that they disagree with his opinion. They can kick him off their platform, sure, but he won’t be arrested because of it.

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We wish.

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Speak for yourself, I’m pretty free.

Yes, of course. Most people are but as Jagger said…

Not everyone.

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Blizz should just hire like 1 extra person to moderate the forums for June

Cuz man, we got so many dog whistles going off


At least the T word hasn’t appeared yet.
Any bets on which troll will be necroing his threads?

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They probably got nuked into oblivion. But that doesn’t mean some suspicious clone(s) will start recreating them.

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Still not following. Are you referring to prisoners who lost their rights when they committed a crime? I’m so confused lol.

That thing still posts, they just do it on an alt now

That stupid level 10 dwarf who does the whole “I see you posted bla bla bla have a great day!” Is T


I’m talking about the LGBTQ+ community, and the colored community (aka African Americans, Asians, etc.)

Are you saying that members of the LGBTQ community and non-whites are not protected by the constitution?


Well, I’m Asian, so what about me isn’t free?