Happy Pride Month!


Yea when the T was regularly posting and the dwarf showed up

T messed up multiple times and did posts in the dwarfs style before quickly deleting the posts


Wish Ignore was account and not just the one toon, that would help. As T has been on my perma for a long time.


You can be thankful and proud of your country whilst also acknowledging its faults and shortcomings. If you live in America, which I suspect that you are, you have a much better life here than the overwhelming majority of the world.

You can make of that what you will, whether you condemn capitalism and corporate greed even though you benefit from it, but at the end of the day, you live in a country where you have access to clean running water, enough food that you can throw leftovers in the trash, and the freedom of speech to trash/diss/criticize/disrespect whoever you want on the internet without fear of a government van showing up at your house to take you away with a black bag over your head.

This isn’t a “other countries have it worse, ergo our problems don’t matter”, again you can criticize America and still feel proud to live here because not only do you have access to as much food, water, and shelter as you need, you also have a voice that matters and a vote that can bring about real change.

The “I’m not proud to live here” movement is parroted and championed online by lazy ungrateful simpletons who don’t realize how privileged they are to lead the life they are leading right now.

If you don’t understand this, then you need to seriously evaluate yourself.


Well maybe some people need to take a trip and travel for a year to another country. Like Britney Griner spending time in Russia for a year, seemed to clear her head as she’s changed her tune now it seems.

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So remember that one time where you said Blizzard will never do anything for Pride month, because it’s politics and we all linked you the OW Pride and you moved goalposts and said but they won’t do anything for WoW?


Oh I understand perfectly well all the privileges Americans have, I live here.
When I said I wasn’t proud of living in America I meant I’m not proud of the PEOPLE (well, most of them) that are here.
There have been more than 250 mass shootings just this YEAR.
The government is worried about the smallest things when there are much, much bigger problems.
I probably should have communicated this from the start. Sorry.


I am so glad you posted this, my family came from Juarez and everyday we are so happy that we live in the United States. A lot of people don’t understand what TRUE oppression or fear for your life is.


It’s not like the world works in an oppression binary. There are different levels. Obviously living in America is (usually) better than living in an active warzone but that doesn’t mean we can’t strive for improvement and call out what isn’t working, like our public transit, income disparity, and healthcare issues. Bigotry is a top down problem in this country and it doesn’t help anyone to pretend that it’s not.


Very good point, always room for improvement.

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There’s already been about 270,000 heart disease related deaths in 2023. What are you doing to help fight against heart disease? But you still haven’t answered my question. As someone who is Asian, how exactly am I not free here in the US? I’m still confused on that.


We could fix our broken privatized healthcare system but something tells me your politics don’t agree with that either.


Well, what are my politics?

Judging by your immediate dismissal of gun violence as a concern, it’s pretty easy to guess.

But I’ll leave it at that.


It’s a concern, but a smaller concern than heart disease. Attack the bigger problems first, then work your way down. More people died from poisoning than guns, but no outcry to remove chemicals or assault poisons from stores is there?


To be fair, how protected you are by the constitution varies state by state and how much money you have.

People forget just how different each state is. Heck, just rural and urban living within states can be night and day because of local governments.

Very true, just look at states like California, Oregon, and Washington. Homelessness and loitering is protected, so you’re free to loiter anywhere you want, but if you go to maybe Texas, or South Carolina, etc, police will be called and you will be ushered off private property.

Tell me how one can be prosecuted for expressing an opinion in the USA.

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Blizzard points to what was already there as says Yaaaaa! buy a token

You can’t defend yourself without being prosecuted.