Happy Pride Month!

I’m proud to live in America, where I can pay for great internet speeds, allowing me to enjoy WoW. I’m also proud to be an American citizen, where I am protected by the 1st Amendment to express my views without retribution from the government.

I can agree or disagree with how this game is going, what features they integrate, what audience they pay more attention to, and I’ll never have to worry about being prosecuted for it. On the same token, others are able to express their approval or disapproval of my views, and they too will not be prosecuted.

It’s unfortunate some countries do not allow such freedoms. Thankfully Blizzard is proudly an American company (who also serves millions of players in a multitude of countries), and is also protected by the constitution to create games with features that many people agree and disagree with.

There is much to be proud of in the United States of America, and Blizzard is one company I gladly participate in their games, even as I agree with some decisions, and disagree with others. Thank you Blizzard!


Tell me you dont understand the term free speech without telling me you dont understand free speech.


I mean actually that is the literal definition of free speech, legally speaking.

For once someone actually did understand free speech lol


If speech is free, then why do I have to put money in the swear jar?!?!




He’s equating the govt given right to free speech with his ability to say whatever he wants on a private company’s forum about their product/choices/views, and have others agree/disagree without any fear of retribution.

This is incorrect, and the forum owners have every right to punish him if he says something outside the CoC.

Free speech is not the free pass he is stating.


Yup. Buckle up.


I don’t think he is. He said he can say what he wants and the company can make what they want without being prosecuted by the government. That is correct, and the definition of free speech.

Now if he comes back and complains when this troll thread gets deleted and says that isn’t free speech, then you’d be correct lol


They pandered to China for an extremely long time actually.


This would only be correct if a company could take me to court and prosecute me for expressing a certain view. The 1st amendment absolutely does not protect me from being banned from expressing views on a private company’s website/service.


Yo mama is above the govt - if she says no swearing, you best be listening.

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There always pride before the fall.


This is why one of 3 letter bureaucrats gets the " private company’s " to censor for them.


This thread is on :fire:.

I like :turtle: s.

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only because they stood to make a lot of money in china for doing so. you could say that does, in fact, make them proudly american


I dunno, ask your mom.

I did and she told me to never back talk her.

I understand that the thread title’s content is not what is expected on June 1, but my intent is to help people to have calm dialogues with the inevitable disagreements in celebrating Pride Month. If this thread gets banned, I will not create another, as this would violate Blizzard’s ToS. We’ll see how it goes.

Yes it is.

Here we go! Oh Arthas sometimes we need you in real world