Happy Pride Month!

I’m dyslexic, please sir will you forgive my sin? Or will you insist on being a clown and making an issue of it. But I’m glad your eyes are open now and will surely change your ways. Or maybe not. Either way I’m not the one being brain washed by financial king pins. Best of luck to your sir.

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You know I will give you some credit, I appreciate your use of “Y’all” which is literally the best term in the world. I’m from texas and use it all the time


That I dont get.

It took an ad to get people to stop drinking that crap?

Its a statement!

Yeah, the statement says edit they have absolutely no taste in beer. Whatsoever. It needs to not be boycotted. It needs to be banned for existing. its existence is a stain on the fine art of beer making really.

I get that crap for a brother in law I hate when he asks for his gatherings (beer can be cheaper on bases overseas). I get it to troll and spite him. As I bring a sixer of my own good stuff. I ain’t touching that crap.

Now I ahve an uncle in law that is cool as hell. So is his wife/my aunt in law. He gets the good stuff when we bring the beer to his events.

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You know that AB owns a ton of “craft” brews now?

oh yeah well

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this had me cracking up for some reason lol

EU has all of that an health insurance:D

I have explosive diarrhea :pensive: :grimacing:

:hot_face: I had spicy buffalo wings last night

nods in Arizonan

Imma let you in on a secret

We know.

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“Everyone point and laugh at the people spending money to consume things!”

he types on the computer/phone he bought, on the forum he pays to access

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Its like people trying to be cheeky and say Pride should be dinosaur month. Meanwhile all the actual lgbt are like “DUDE THAT IS SICK, WHATS YOUR FAV DINOSAUR? I NEED TO KNOW.”

( mine is dilophosaurus since its our state dinosaur. But velociraptors are good too )

Ah double checked apparently its not the state dinosaur. Well my 5th grade teacher freaking lied to me lol. Dilophosaurus are still cool. Even if they don’t have the cute neck frill like in jurassic park.

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I had no idea that was a thing. Texas is apparently “Sauroposeidon”, which is pretty metal.


You failed 1st grade didnt you?

Mhm. State fossils are a thing too


Same here and over half of the lgbtq merch sites are using it this year

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I’m wheeze laughing after googling some merch

This is awesome



I do and I don’t if that makes sense

I get ya. Theres the worry that someone in the lgbt won’t know its a joke and think you’re being rude

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