Happy Pride Month!

Lemme cleanse this thread with some sailor moon

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We need this ingame:

Why Blizzard didn’t add a multi color wings toy to WoW eludes me.


GW2 really said we don’t play around when it comes to cosmetics


Omg. Can you imagine an Aviana’s Feather and it’s rainbow wings and you leave behind a GIANT rainbow as you slowly fall


Oh my goodness yes.

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I edited before your post. Ironically, I just watched you edit in “you” to this post. Guess it’s fine for you to clarify a sentence but a conspiracy when someone else does it. Your sauce is weak, son.

Let’s say for the sake of argument I am. So what? Is there a point in there or are you grasping for ad hominems for fun?

Changing a single word constitutes crying? Your perspective is… silly. And you haven’t refuted the point. Racism is racism regardless of who it’s targeting. If all I have to do is swap a single noun to make it seem racist, it’s a racist sentiment. The truth hurts, I know.

And I’m not the person who wrote the initial post I quoted, so complain to them that I’m responding to it, not me.


I’d give my priest set for those.

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The Barbie GW2 patch looks super fun

Wait… wut? No… not that

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I mean, they had a parrot mount RIGHT there this month and they didn’t think to do that.


Well that parrot is kinda Lesbian flag vibes. They should have just made parrot mounts for all flags hehe

See, I got trans flag vibes because of the pink on the outside of the wing, the blue on the face then white accenting but that’s just me tho. The bird itself is purple but like a pinkish purple.

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Ah, I thought it looked more reddish as it gets to the tips of the wings. Interesting. I think what we really need is a prismatic color changing phoenix.

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Omg yes! That would be great.

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They could have done a pride version of this mount:


Yes! But like I would love if whatever mount it is- it has the Prismatic Bauble Rainbow effect behind it. Because let’s SPREAD THOSE RAINBOWS

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You get me. This is what I want. Honestly, as a slave to a cat. I would love a rainbow cat


Nah, heck with the rainbows. Y’all getting shilled to by corporate overlords so hard you don’t even realize you’re just being used as a new steady revenue stream. And all they gotta do is slap a multi colored pin on their collars. That’s okay, we’re all cogs in some rich guys machine at the end of the day, even if some of us (you) are more easily manipulated than others.



Lmao I don’t buy anything special. I just enjoy the energy and the memes. You’ll need to relax

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Wow you spent a lot of time writing that. A lot of LGBTQ+ people dislike pride because it’s a meme that corporations get a rainbow logo for a month(like Blizzard) and then censor their products to other countries. You really showed us!

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