Happy Pride Month!

I heard part of my name.

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Dragula is a drag show too named after the song you are probably named after. It’s much more metal/horror drag queens

Also the drama is a lot more spicy

Nice bait.

Also do you mean this First Amendment

The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Like what’s that right there at the end right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances well that’s strange surely I’m misreading considering the hostility from police towards protesters in America over the last few years at one point assaulting an Australian journalist reporting on said protests.

Because nothing is truly free.

Lol I know this is Fuzz on my classic DK haha

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no no you cant. if that was the case people who tell others to kys wouldnt be held responsible if they did. while it is extreme that is proof that there are consequences.

<3 foxy fuzz

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Ok back to Fuzz for now. XD

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Why did you swap a part of the quote?

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They probably think the quote was originally racist towards white women. And are trying to make that a point /sigh

am not american but agree with a lot you said, my country has free speech but and i agree with the but, hate speech is not allowed here, my country is new zealand

Single word.

No. I think it’s racist flat out.

I’m making the point that if it seems racist when the races are swapped, it’s racist when they’re not swapped. Otherwise there’s no reason to include a racial component at all.

Took the words right out my mouth.


So why did you say

If that was your point?

You’ll don’t turn this thread into a weird race battle now lmao



Ok fine part. I’ll go back and change it.

Continue reading.

Meaning regardless of the target.


I like turtles.

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Hehe I see. You edited your post. I’m sorry you post so quickly and need to add in additional information after you get replies.

You sound like quite an annoying interesting person IRL. Which is supported by the fact you come here to cry about white people racism in a thread about pride