Happy Pride Month!

Now you’re just being silly


Education isn’t promotion. Gay kids will still be gay. (@ comment before ninja edit).

People like you used to get mad about interracial couples being seen in tv shows in the 70s. You genuinely don’t believe it’s being promoted, you just don’t want it being socially normalized because you don’t like it.

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I love folks think watching gay things will make you gay. Nah. Watched a whole lotta non lgbt stuff growing up. Still ended up gay and trans.

If humans were that easy to rewire you could just play Lil Nas then Cardi B to bounce back between sexualities.


There you are watching brokeback mountain and all of a sudden…you’re gay!

You didn’t ask for this, you didn’t choose this, yet there it is… :rainbow_flag:

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Actually now that I think about it. I thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink my gay awakening was Dragon age 2.

Look the VA for Anders put some WORK into the first kiss if you romance him lol

Double checkin dates here. 2011. So I was 21


Perfectly fine. All the power to you and best of luck leading a happy life. I’m 100% okay with consenting adults choosing to do whatever they want to do with their lives, I just nope out heck out when people start bringing kids into it, especially really young kids (ages 1-4).


Are you sure about that?

Meh if kids can understand moms and dads then 2 moms or 2 dads isn’t that complicated.

The rest of those conversations are just on the topic of consent which I think should be explained to kids. Its very similar to stuff like this

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Regardless of where you stand, this can be a great month for reading the forums, and putting the popcorn manufacturers out of business. Unfortunately extreme careful thought might be needed when contributing.

I’m talking more about parent behavior. I personally know a lesbian couple IRL that desperately wants their son to be gay too. They dress him in pink give him girl toys and all that. Just feels wrong. They want the child to be a certain way and are raising him to be the kind of child THEY want instead of letting him be the child he wants.

Just feels wrong to me.


A lot of parents do that. Heck mine sure didn’t want me gay / trans.

Toxic parents are not a new thing nor should every group of parents be treated as such


I’m just of the mind that kids shouldn’t be taught anything regarding sex or sexual orientation until they’re of a proper age that they can understand it and make their own decisions.

If you disagree thats fine, just making my opinion known.


That could be an option if abusive people didn’t exist.

Not educating children leads to the risk of children being abused, and they would have no idea its abuse because they weren’t taught. And that’s just going to not end well once that child finds out whats going on.


More Bud Light is more nasty yellow water with little to no flavor.

Then add in the only reason it blew up was Kid Rock having a social media fit when just years before there’s proof of him drinking with…wait for it, drag queens.

Selective outrage fueled by a has been who was perfectly fine before drinking with the drag community with beverages that have been sponsors of Pride events since before he was even relevant and I use the phrasing of him being relevant loosely.

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Education doesn’t rob anyone of making their decisions? What exactly is it you believe is occurring in classrooms?

The only thing zero or abstinence only education results in is pregnant teenagers.

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I’m just reminded that kids can also learn what consent is if they have a pet house cat.

Ignore the kitties annoyance and keep petting it? Kitty lashes out.

Unless its like. Those cats that are made to be ridiculously chilled out. Like Persians or Ragdolls.

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Happy Corporate Pandering Month.



Just yes, I didn’t even consider myself finding you even more agreeable noble Fuzz :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_nod:

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Cadbury is so good. Like it doesn’t have that bitterness and they have so many different types of goodies.

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The problem with kids and consent is that before the early 20’s the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for making ‘consent’ based decisions isn’t fully matured. What actually stands in for the PFC is the Amygdala, the reptilian brain which has 3 answers to everything: “Fight, Flight, or … Fun”.

Due to this, a child cannot give consent.

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