Happy Pride Month!

Theres more to consent than just of the naughty variety


Don’t you know? They are showing Fire Island and Bros to KINDERGARTNERS. They have an entire semester cover gay naughty videos!


Possibly for an adult. For a child? I would seriously question that.

Oh and btw, I kind of just walked into the conversation halfway through. So if I’m talking past you (or the point) I apologize.

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Nah my incident didn’t happen til I was a tween but by then I knew what was right / wrong.

Consent is just an agreement. If say you, an adult, doesn’t want to be hugged. That’s fine. Same for if a kid doesn’t want a hug. Hence why you often ask if folks are cool with a hug. In that moment, you are asking for consent without it being naughty.


As you should and thank you! Everyone should work towards being proud, happy and fulfilled with themselves! I find that this has helped me so much in building closer relationships and being able to handle life challenges!

Now let the music play

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thanks, trying to stay out of this SS for all of June

Now if only cats could learn about human’s consent…

(there may have been a persistence at not caring that it is too warm/humid today for a fuzzy little heat generator to be camped out on my lap, VERY repeated persistence)

This felt very….American patriotism……the other messages got lost in it.

of corse the company doesnt care all that maters to them is money. they dont actually care if they did they would promote this stuff in china or the middle east they dont because they dont care everyone knows this. its all fake support its annoying them pretending they care when they dont.


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Why do people say this, no one brought up kids?

I hate being gay. We’re normal people ffs.

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