Happy Pride Month!

So the US Federal government is arresting these people for speaking against the government/practicing the religion of their choice/owning and carrying arms/quartering solders in their homes/not secure in their possessions/being forced the incriminate themselves/denying them a speedy trial, impartial jury and the ability to confront their accusers/denying them jury trails in federal civil cases where the sum is greater than $20/requiring excess bail amounts?

Because if not then I’m not sure you understand what is protected by the Constitution.

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Change prosecuted for persecuted and we can write doctoral thesises about it.

I sure don’t, but I do remember me saying that it doesn’t belong in the game as my own personal opinion. I never once said that Blizzard will never do anything. But as usual, here you are molding something to fit your narrative. You need to get out more.

If people will buy it they might as well capitalize on it. :wink:

Unfortunately yes

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Hate speech
letting someone know your opinion about them with a life and it ending.

Of course not, because your posts were deleted and the thread was locked. Why own up to that? Here’s the only two posts left from your assertion that Pride would never be in the game:

But hey, instead of owning up to your comments, just make stuff up about someone else, hmm?

You truly are something else.

I am proud to be a straight white male. Happy Pride Day! :upside_down_face:


why am i getting unreads from this and how do i get out of this, i do not want anything do do with this.

At the bottom you’ll see this after clicking on the little section that says tracking underneath share bookmark flag etc.

Click on the muted button to not get anymore unreads on a thread.

Or, perhaps he means the government can’t interfere in the free speech of private actors at the behest of a private corporation.

Bud went woke so they went broke, they lost over 6 billion in sales and still going , no one is buying that stuff cuz no one wants to be that guy

Broke implies they vanish

They’re still here. Its whatev

Nah they broke goto to the store no one is buying it

I mean its bud light. I didn’t see people drinking it really before


Really ? You dont know much about beer then , Bud light was the #1 selling beer lmao

That doesn’t always mean it tastes good.

hershey is what we get mostly as chocolate in the states, yet despite its sales here, theres way better chocolate out there elsewhere in the world for a reasonable price.

my alcoholic uncle didn’t even want bud light

Its red neck beer, and when you put that guy/ girl on the can, people got mad and switched beers

Still so silly of those folks.

I’ve yet to see a big corp like that go broke as folks claim.


That company sells alot of different beers not just bud light , maybe 20 different beer brands , dont think it will vanish but the sales did go down from bud light

Happy pride month, even to the chuds who mope around angrily because they saw a rainbow.

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