Happy pride month! Hope to see in-game events!

Existed before, or now?

Because i’ve searched up to see if there were any and all i’ve found is this article by Jim Sterling 13 years ago. :point_down:

…But i digress, i figured i would do actual good here in making sure people are aware of the LGBT charities i’ve linked before. (Because it does way more good then begging a corporation to make stuff to buy but rainbow colored) :point_down:


Well, apart of me does believe that this should be an open and public forum that resembles our freedom of speech in the US, the other part of me really has no tolerance for bigots and people “trolling” genuine feelings and expression. So I’m torn.

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Winter veil, also Christmas and gift giving isn’t religious. Grew up in a family that wouldn’t do gift because it was against the Church.

People conflagrate them all the time. So many atheist have trees and all that.


Well, it’s on private property and we don’t have that right here.

  1. it’s a desire of theirs
  2. private property, too, can be and is regulated regarding rights
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and the wow version of winter vail is more inline with the pagan version


As an unorthodox person, and a Christian I can completely understand what you are saying. I try not to be closed minded or hypocritical and having Christmas in the game, but not other major holidays of say the Muslim or Jewish faith or any other major holidays or black history month not being represented in game does seem problematic and might make some people feel excluded.

I sincerely hope my comments don’t offend anyone and only want us all to feel included.

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…Not exactly. There is no Christ in WoW.

A winter solstice-etse hoilday of gifting and gathering around with your family and friends, do not need to have any real life religion attached. Especially since the concept of Santa clause can be done without religion, as it was designed.

Because homophobia isn’t canon.

You’re welcome to ask the writer to write in homophobia to justify having a pride month in, but i’m not sure if that’s a good look for anybody to do that.

I think the close you’re going to get, is if they have like some sort of Peace treaty week where PvP is disabled, and all the alliance and horde are friends for a week, putting aside differences and just chat it all up.


I demand a month for the other deadly sins


I understand that completely.

Greed month would be amazing!

We could raid the gobby vaults!


This is also true.

Goblins would be happy

I want a buy more WoW tokens month

With a buy more 75 dollar mounts for good measure

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I’m happy I took the time to read this thread and share and talk with you all, met some cool people. Hope the good conversation that we are all having continues. :heart: :heartpulse: :hearts: :brown_heart: :black_heart:

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A video? You wan’t me to publicize my life so that you can validate me? I’m not comfortable with that at this time, sorry. We keep our circle pretty tight nit, who knows maybe one day that will change and you will see us on sister wives or something. We’ve certainly talked about being more public and if that day ever comes I’ll be sure to give you a shout out lol.

We are pretty hush hush about our lives unless we are speaking anonymously or with close friends in the know. We all come from very reserved Christian backgrounds and tbh if we were open and public with who we are it would really damage allot of the relationships that we value because we know they have hate in there heart and can’t accept people for who they are. Because of that they only get to know a small part of us. But we love them and that’s the sacrifice we choose to make.

Obviously not saying all Christians have hate in there heart, just specifically referring to specific people that are close to us who happen to be Christian or reserved/conservative who would be greatly effected by our lifestyle choices.

It’s important that everyone feel included in the game. That’s what Blizzard is aiming for and recent changes like the social contract show them moving in that direction. You are correct that if Blizzard has Christmas holiday in-game, then other major holidays should be included as well. We need more discussions like this!

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No, it’s really just your threads (and those of your alts). If you actually wanted to do an in-game event and came here to post “hey, on date --/–/---- at --:-- on server ------ we’ll be doing this event/parade/whatever - make a lvl 1 alt and join us etc. etc.” I can guarantee that most people would respect that you are trying to do a community event.

All you do is troll the forum with the exact same post worded slightly differently “wish Blizzard did this event”, “Blizzard should do this event”, “what are your ideas for events?”, “what events are there to celebrate” (celebrate the one thing, mind you, that absolutely doesn’t belong in a game that has no concept of homophobia).

News flash: Blizzard owes you NOTHING. Neither do the rest of players. If it’s important to you, get off your behind and do it yourself (like some others did in the past, and with enough community attention, Blizzard did actually turn those events into micro-holidays).

Or just go play Borderlands 3 - literally a whole DLC is dedicated to a same-sex wedding.

P.S. Winter Veil is not Christmas.


That’s weird to request a video of someone’s life. Why do you care so much anyways? It’s a little creepy.


Noticed you were still level 10.

You know there are tons of leveling guides out there for you!

Happy WoWing!