Happy International Women's Day!

My hubby gets me games, forget flowers.

He got me Elden Ring for V-day. I heart that man!

I prefer a good long game to nails personally.


My friend has gotten harassed in game while on his character. Itā€™s wild. He got harassed in FFXIV too. Didnā€™t do anything but exist.

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Iā€™m like that with plants too. I buy all fake now. My brothers grow full gardens full of vegetables and flowers.

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My cats try to eat all plants I getā€¦ even fake ones. even the very spikey cactus I gotā€¦ :frowning:

I believe it. I only had the one instance of that in FF, I was learning Botany and only had an axe no gear. This traffic cone looking thing called a lallafel followed me around.

But overall, Iā€™ve had less of it in that game than here. Not generally in the game, but any other ladies out there experience that awkward silence when you first enter a discord? Iā€™ve had a handful of bad moments, not enough to call it systematic, but I think people are not reporting things, assuming others have done so.

Hahahaha cute.

I did the Irish dance down a flight of stairs at a bar a few months ago. Iā€™m still here to tell the tale!

Letā€™s go!


Yea!!! A girl after my own heart. Cigs, cheap vodka and games. I donā€™t like to go pay a lot of money for stuff that fades quickly.

Iā€™ve gotten the silence, then the ITā€™S A GIRL.


Iā€™m Canadian you forgot the debilā€™s cabbage! But yah, thatā€™s me in a nutshell!

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I bought fake eyelashes for the first time ever late last year (Iā€™m mid-ish 30s) and my husband said, ā€œWth are you doing? You look like a clown!ā€ Then one of my sons chimed in with ā€œWhy do have a thousand eye lashes on?ā€ Bahahaha.

Rock on sista :video_game:


Itā€™s true.

My wife has succulents everywhere.

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I got into makeup after during my cancer battle, I got the opposite. Mom, go put on your face so you look human.

But I feel ya, I didnā€™t start wearing it til 38. I have work clothes, but now working from home, I rock comfy bottoms and a nice shirt for cam sessions. I would be content to rock yoga pants and hoodies for the rest of my life!


Iā€™m glad youā€™re here and living life.

Hope you always remain healthy from here on out!


I didnā€™t say I wasnā€™t happy to be a woman. Just voicing that coming down on someone who has suffered isnā€™t a good thing.

Where did I say that it was?

You seem to be reading a lot into things here.

Oh hi, Humanbeak. :roll_eyes:

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Iā€™m not humanbeak I just agreed with them that it was a distasteful to say something like that. 364 other days of the year where i would have just rolled my eyes and left it alone. i said my piece. i got accused of reducing people to their body parts because i think itā€™s a depressing meme with baggage.

Itā€™s okay that you have a bad opinion, the same way itā€™s absolutely okay for women to dislike body parts that cause them strife. End of discussion!

Move on and celebrate women.


Rogues have lockpicking.

Itā€™s my kitchen now. And Iā€™m backing it up with these daggers.

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I wouldnā€™t want to set foot in his kitchen even if I was given a hazmat suit. D:

So. I hate this.

I donā€™t think this is gonna be an all day thing. Pandaren women arenā€™t thicc enough.

Alsoā€¦ gender swapping wiped my posts??

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