Happy International Women's Day!

Okay but… why are you saying this while standing in MY kitchen? How did you even get in here??

No dissin Clark, he’s a cool guy behind the Pally.


I’ve seen your cooking. Feel free to keep it all for yourself. :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t want an empire. I have that. I just wanted a sandwich.

Let this put your mind at ease: It’s only sarcasm. I’ve been with my wife 23yrs. I’ve developed an immunity to these “Women vs Men” debates.

Now, if you could grab me a beer that would be great, Toots.


23 years! Feature of strength. Gratz!

I don’t want an empire. I just wanna be a hippie.


Have you changed your take on male harassment? Because we female folk don’t need keyboard warriors who think it doesn’t exist for men.

Thank you.

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I harass male and female alike. I mean, unsolicited flirting? But I seem to get away with it cause I’m a cute panda.

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Clark is the Chuck Norris of WoW. He may, in fact, actually be Chuck Norris.
Who has seen Clark and Chuck Norris in the same room together, hmm? Exactly.

Clark completed the Mage Tower with everything, and he did it cool, calm, and collected. He did it with a slight grin on his face and a twinkle in his eye.

Who could do that but Chuck Norris?

And is it a coincidence that both Chuck and Clark start with the letter C? I think the evidence is very clear here.

I rest my case.



I hear that Panda butt touches have that blanket fresh out of the dryer comfortable feel.

Nah this one was hilarious when everything came out, they legit said that men don’t experience harassment because they like it.

Every time they try to jump on another cause I enjoy pointing out hypocrisy, because well it’s fun!

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ngl some of the best convos i’ve had about this stuff has been with my bf. its nice to hear about the “other side” while also knowing there’s no hard feelings. the banter always goes both ways. for every “listen sweetheart dont worry your pretty head with all this nonsense” joke I will make one joke about how men will see a ladder and stand on the top rung.

-wiggles tush- Wanna test that theory?


This was fun while it lasted. Alas, reality has struck and I gotta go make a nice breakfast for the wife and show I’m still worthy.

Happy International Women’s Day!! Hope all you ladies enjoy yourselves.


Remember, roses are overrated and die so easily. Cacti and Alovera is where it’s at!

Oh my! What’s going on?

“They should just man up.”

If only you were allowed to stab anyone who said that.

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i suggest you look up when the first womens international day and where it was at and what happened. ( its very relevant with whats happening today)

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Dis a Druid convention… turns into a deer and performs the Irish step

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In my line of work, we get more complaints from the men than the women. It’s gross some of the complaints we’ve seen.

I just find people that fight for one side and belittle the plight of others, are well hypocrites.

You aren’t wrong though, there should be harsher punishments for stupidity.


No can do. The one thing my wife will admit openly is that she has a black thumb. She has killed cacti, bamboo and the like.

She is a very skilled cosmetologist though and can do some amazing things with hair, nails and such.