Handling It: Taut Tethercoil (Lego Axe Quest) Not dropping item

Woohoo! Working again :smiley:


Can confirm they are dropping now.

Sweet thanks for the heads up fellas!

It was embarrassing seeing some of the tantrums but happy we’re back in business. Cheers. :slight_smile:

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I wanna say thanks blizzard for not pushing this past the weekend. Everyone gets to go home and I get to get back to what matters most. NOW OUTTA MY WAAAAY :upside_down_face:

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It’s fixed and they improved the drop rate great work Blizzard.

This might sound like a silly question, but I’m genuinely stumped. I can’t seem to attack, at all, without breaking the siphon when I use the item. Can anyone give some kind of advice? Retribution paladin, if that’s of any relevance.

Gonna necro this thread, because as of 6/4/2024 I am experiencing this issue and have run into others that have as well.

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necro all the threads since this bug is happening again -_- why on the day i finally get it.


Happening to me too. Was working yesterday.


Yep me too - kill 6 rares did not channel, did not charge, 0 drops

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Also not happening for me, not using movement speed abilities, breaking channels or stopcasting.


Yeah I even tried it with the Super Bloom Boss - 0 drops. I think something with maintenance messed it up. Hopefully fixed in the next few days. I’m not stressing too much since I need 2 bullions to upgrade the thing.


Blizzard confirmed looking into it.

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Also bugged for me.

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Do you have a bluepost link to this?

Droprate also bugged for me.

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I got the leggo quest today and couldnt drop a single Taut. Im 0/50. :frowning:

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They were responding to a girl on twitter.

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Bugged for me