Handling It: Taut Tethercoil (Lego Axe Quest) Not dropping item

its blizzard look at the comment of someone who put a ticket… they are completly ignorant of the game they are SUPOSE TO KNOW TO GIVE SUPPORT… Seriously leave and take the quest again is like answer 4954 of the “Big book of I HAVE NO FING CLUE JUST SAY THIS” blizzard CM book.

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the same this is happening to me aswell, I made a ticket and i got an automated answer… like log off and on or leave zone…


Take a big deep breath, please. The bug was initially reported last night after the devs already went home. Hopefully they get to it today before the weekend otherwise might be next week. Be realistic.

and the CM replied with ‘Check Wowhead or try abandoning the quest’ dude I have been playing this game for almost 2 decades you know when a CM has no clue. That is like the text book excuse they give you when they have no idea what is going on. And yes its been 24 hours the first people the should inform is them and say “Guys there is a bug that is not letting people get their legendaries” and even then dude the better excuse from the “Big book of I HAVE NO FING CLUE JUST SAY THIS” is “We are currently investigating the problem with our devs we shall have more information when available” but the CM nowdays are so braindead they cant even pic the right excuse.


Same issue, tried dropping the quest and picking it back up, but to no effect. 44/50 and nothing dropping.


Got a response for my ticket, They are aware of the bug.


I got the don’t use stopmacros or hit esc in my ticket response


Copy that Dard thanks for update.


you got the super braindead… or the ai one.


They made a blue post response on another forum post.
Doesn’t give me super good feelies, but better than nothing right…


brothers in pain same here.


As of Feb 9th having same issue. Have killed 14 Rares with Tether active, Mob dies, tether still active but no Drop. Wish they would fix this already


since they actually care about the eu players more they made another post saying they are aware of the bug and have no eta for it right now.


at least they are updating someone, Thanks


here is the post

EU folks will be heading out for the weekend shortly, but I didn’t want to leave the thread without an update.

Unfortunately we still don’t have a specific timeframe for a fix, but rest assured we’re aware of the impact this is having and are hard at work to get it addressed as quickly as possible.

Please note that there is no need to submit tickets about this, as support won’t be able to assist in individual cases, but rather we’d ask that you continue to keep an eye on existing threads, or the relevant support articles published here:


thats corporate billz speak for “It is the weekend we aint doing sh*t. deal with it”

Seen it before.

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At this point, they should just Auto Complete the Quest for all that Have it currently. We still have the other 2 parts to complete so it’s Fair in my opinion.


So they can bother to update the EU thread but not the US? – Does that mean they plan to hotfix US realms today?

–Insane to me that a quest working perfectly fine on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning gets broken so people cannot play it over the weekend.


they wont, happened in the past


considering the no eta thing prob not but we dont know because it sounds to me like they dont know what the issue is yet. that said im pretty sure no one posted it in the cs forums like that post is in the eu side of things.

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