Hand of Justice Drop Rate

This is absolutely not how probability works and there is no “RNG algorithm” that would force it to function that way.

If an item has a 20% drop rate, then in 5 runs, there is a (1 - (.8^5)) = 67.232% chance that you will see it drop at least once.

So…I don’t know this struggle. This is the one part of WoW that has always provided me luck. The original Steerclear in 2005 acquired his HoJ on his second run. Steerclear from Nostalrius got it on his first run. THIS Steerclear got it on HIS first run.

I’m unanimously hated by so many…

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You do not make the most superiorest class a bank alt. You gear him out. You gear him out and you kill things.


Yeah, if you’re familiar with warrior you know how the gear makes them fun. You probably outleveled your weapon! That’s the worst.

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Oh man, this weapon was great. I loved it in Vanilla. That proc + crusader gave me some HUGE whacks.

Here’s to hoping you do. And get yourself a Savage Gladiator Chain while you’re at it!

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If they’re saying that removing the dual wield hit penalty completely is only a 0.01% DPS increase, then yes, they’re bad also.

That isn’t what they are saying, I never said that, you ether didn’t read what I actually said, understand what I said, or are lying pure and simple.

That’s what Heroic Strike canceling is effectively doing. Not my fault you don’t understand how it works.

Myself and a rogue in my guild needed hoj and decided to tag team it. First run hoj dropped, the rogue won it. The 5th run hoh dropped and I won it.

that sucks so much, I got it in under 25 tries :frowning:

There’s people with a lot more than that on retail. Absolute misery farming that thing.

I saw it drop my very first time running the dungeon. Of course I was on an Ele Shaman so I didn’t want it.

The consensus seems to be that hs cancelling is a marginal dps increase, if it’s one at all. The first time you delay a bt because you missed a cancel, it’s a loss… and at high gear levels you pretty much can HS every attack anyway.

But you’re right that BHB is better than HOJ of you’re not world buffed

2nd try right here bro… RNG is a B sometimes…

Took me 28 runs on this char to get my Ban’thok Sash. On my mage it was maybe 8-10. Go figure.

Some of y’all are really lucky! Honestly, good for you. I finished run 146, but you know what they say, “the 147th time’s a charm.”

Got it on my 14th solo run.

Fight club tells you not to go furyprot too, the info they put out as statements is catered to people that parse around 50%.

If you know what you’re doing, you can make your own choices without their input.

Took me 175 tries…

I’m getting up there. I just hit 151.

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