Hand of Justice Drop Rate

I vendored SGC on my preist. Feelzbadman

1 on hunter. 133 on warr.

I have never seen that on any of their posts at all.

In their tank FAQ they say

"For most guilds you can use the basic Deep Prot talent build. However, if you’re in a hardcore guild that’s pushing the limits and you’re having problems holding aggro, you should spec into Fury Prot. If that is still not enough, you should also start dual wielding. "

And that is a 100% accurate statement, most guilds do not do enough DPS to justify fury/prot so why not have the extra utility of having access to tactical mastery.

This statement was also put out before BWL launched, so it was very relevant then because most guilds had their tanks in mostly T1 and were not giving them full DPS gear and not world buffing to take advantage of the benefits of fury/prot anyway.

Yeah in summation, “If you have to ask, play deep prot.” Anyone that actually knows what they are doing would know why they should be fury prot.

And if I had to tell people that thought that was a good idea if heroic strike queuing was worth it, I would tell them that there are other more significant ways to improve too.

That is not a good summation at all. It is a FAQ and they answered the question honestly for the time they put the information out.

You can push about easily push 600-700 TPS as prot through proper play in T1ish gear, if your entire guild is doing less than ~800 DPS more and many are in that boat prot is fine. IDK why people get so worked up about it.

The transition point between deep prot and fury/prot tended to be in AQ historically anyway. People act like it was this new revelation that private servers divined because they were pushing the limits and no guilds used fury/prot at all until the private server gods figured it out by pushing the limits.
As a matter of fact my first ever raid was Onyxia and I asked the tank why he didn’t have a shield, back in 2006, he was a tauren warrior and had Thunderfury and another weapon offhand, he replied to me “for threat”

They got the information from people that were doing it post AQ launch with 2.5 gear in vanilla, and just started doing it earlier with DPS gear available in MC/BWL, then started Dual wielding when they needed to push a bit harder.

Many, many off tanks were fury/prot so they didn’t have to respec and the vanilla guys started realizing that the threat was better for the guys doing fury/prot. So MTs started to make the transition. It was not some secret knowledge that the primitives that played vanilla could not figure out.

yeah but you need something in that slot for the 5 minutes you don’t have a flask buff.

I don’t know what this whole portion is supposed to be about honestly.

Sure, it’s fine, it’ll work. It’s still sub-optimal regardless of your guild. If you know what you’re doing you understand that.

You can pull off deep prot with about 10% of the effort fury prot would take, and that’s the only reason to do it.

In vanilla I think it took a couple dozen.

In classic it took about a couple dozen.

Wasn’t counting but it was around there. I consider myself fairly lucky cause I know a lot of people have 40+ attempts with nothing.

Tell that to any actual high parsing warrior

Same boat as you man. I’ve done 87 runs in the last week, still haven’t seen it. In total I gotta be reaching the 250 runs mark.

got it solo on run #6. felt very blessed because those trash packs are a pain to deal with.

luckily in the next phase it becomes much easier to get if you have a group doing lava runs.

Took me 122 runs to see it on my rogue (which by the time i was soloing angerforge so i got it). On my warrior i got it on the first run.
I helped a guildie and he got his on his 4th run.
Another friend got his mid 30s.

The drop chance is around 5%, which means on average you will see it every 20 runs or so, given a big enough sample. Thing is 100 runs isn’t a big enough sample.

TLDR: its all RNG

You mean warriors that are probably always running world buffs? That fits with exactly what i said. HoJ is better if you have world buffs.

Never saw it when i was in the rush of leveling my paladin to 60 in the early days, did at least 40 runs. Hunter saw it (and won it as the tank had it and the dps was all caster) on their first run, and my Rogue saw it and won it on their 2nd run.

So as a note with the change to emp, the drop rate is so much higher it’s not even funny. I’ve killed emp 7 times since the change and have seen hoj 5 out of 7 times.