So, I’ve killed Angerforge 138 times and have not seen HoJ as of yet. I’m curious as to how many runs y’all have done. Also, I’ve heard some people give off superstitious tips such as killing the flame guys beforehand or bringing a rogue to the party.It’s most likely bull, but at this point a broken man is willing to try anything.
I’ve also seen SGC twice before even laying eyes on HoJ
It’s just matter of odds.
I farmed HoJ + SGC for my warrior friend, It took us 20 runs total for both item.
But the ZG neck just won’t drop for me tho.
I also saw SGC twice before seeing HOJ. But I did eventually get it. Each kill is a new chance independent of all the previous kills. Just keep going friend.
Friend of mine got SGC and HoJ in his first ever BRD run on his Warrior. He was level 53.
No Ironfoe, though.
I helped my friend farm the savage gladiator chain. It took us about 150 arena/anger/sometimes golem runs. We saw the HOJ twice before we saw a SGC.
On my bear tank I saw like 5-6 on my first 20 runs. Like people in my group were freaking out it dropped and I was confused because it was dropping so much.
HoJ is kind of overrated on warrior dps anyway. BB + Diamond flask is going to be your best combo till DFT for most boss fights unless you are over crit cap with world buffs.
I can tell you ive Multiboxed BRD maybe 250 times, Don’t have a rogue in the group but I’ve got HoJ on my Pally Priest Druid and Mage lol. superstition aside, the drop rate IS garbage, but then again I’ve only ever seen 3 Second Wind trinkets drop from the same amount of runs.
26 runs. Lost the roll on the first one.
SGC took 45~ kills.
Second Wind is not real.
Crit cap isn’t a thing for Fury Warriors. At least not realistically, because queuing a Heroic Strike removes the dual wield hit penalty. Even with full world buffs, you’ve still got ~10% crit chance free, iirc.
You also won’t have Diamond Flask for every fight, and HoJ is better than Blackhand’s Breadth even once you have DFT.
I’ve seen it drop 4x, I got mine after 3 attempts.
Assuming your average dps warrior HS cancels. I can assure you a large % do not.
I ran probably 25 runs before it dropped for my rogue.
I’ve seen it drop back to back while healing arena/anger runs previous to having my rogue though.
According to Wowhead, the drop rate is 4.56%, with a sample size of 44,614.
Based upon that drop rate, the odds of going 138 runs in a row without seeing it is 0.16%. Now thousands of people have farmed that trinket, so if true you are in rare company, but not entirely alone. 1 in 625 people reach the 138 mark without seeing it.
The average number of runs it takes is about 22, btw. But some will see it on their first run, while others, like you, might take 100+.
I saw two HoJ in my first nine runs. I’ve seen no SGC in about 230 runs.
I can assure you a large % of them are queuing up a Heroic Strike regardless of whether they cancel it or not. Hell, when world buffed, you don’t even have to cancel all that much.
Isn’t HoJ on Emporer now?
It will be on July 28th. With a higher drop rate, I believe.