Hammer of light change (BUG FOR SOME, NERF FOR OTHERS)

Yep. I logged on today to play after a long week. I had been thinking about HoL combo for days… sooo excited to get back home and play. I hadn’t been this excited to play wow in a long time. I log on today and I immediately noticed the change in the first dungeon. I finished dungeon out of respect and then immediately logged out.

As someone who has played prot pally for literally 15 years. This is the first time I really felt a fresh new fun playstyle added to the spec… and then they just take it away?? They teased us with a super fun playstyle… and then took it away… just feels horrible.


This is a point I wholeheartedly agree with “It doesn’t make templar feel special whatsoever.”
Templar actually felt unique impactful and fun to play. Now it is essentially just playing your same spec and class from DF with one tiny little added ability every 1 minute…

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My take away from the bug, and the bug fix. If players wanted to play Templar and wanted to use 3 casts of HoL per min they can with or without the bug present. Folks complaining HoL being used often made the spec worse were not going to be forced to press it. Targets out of HoL range would still get a FV from a distance while the Ret works on getting closer. I just dont know why the Bug needed fixing since it didnt make Templar Ret perform better than Hearld, it just gave Templar Players more choices.

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This should have been worded clearly from the start. Not that i am disagreeing with you.

The tooltip was worded such that BOTH side of the interpretation can be valid, becuz well… tooltip being tooltip.

That’s the thing about English, almost every 1 liner you make can be 2 or even 3 diff meaning depending on how u interpreted it and this is just 1 of the 6129841654984165 thing that happened.

30% is hyperbole, but ain’t no way the difference is 2-3% lol. 10-15% more like.

It’s not. They’re so close it doesn’t matter which one you choose in single target but HotS is better in AoE so most people are choosing that.

templar was fun before change and had flavor/more skill, now its way more boring, we just get to hit 1 button ever now and then that does damn near nothing, its useless in comparison to herald

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The skill expressiom is in extending Shake the Heaven window to get to your Free HoL faster.

You failing to see that doesn’t mean there’s no skill to it.

you can still use your shield righteous and the HoL’s together (there is downtime after the 12 secs), your not locked into it either way, and 100% the mitigation the hammer provided was way more then enough by itself, you would never die or get globaled, i can tell you did not play it as prot because it worked flawlessly

It would be great if everyone felt that weeks from now the current spec designs and tuning (which already are changed from the beta build some people tested) was both adequate and fun for our chosen content and its difficulty.

We just wont know for certain until we get there. For PVE, buffs and design improvements for teammates always makes content easier to clear. For PVE the main concern in spec imbalance may be “will I be invited to groups”.

While for pvp you certainly can worry about being excluded from teams to do some group pvp(RBGs, Rated Arena), the larger concern with imbalance, is my chosen spec equiped to do its role. If spec A has a small advantage over spec B for damage, defensives, CC, and other utility, spec B may lose just about every fight Vs spec A, and maybe Vs several other better tuned or more favorable designed specs.

If a player only desires to do pvp, they can reroll, but could just unsubscribe until some YouTuber or wowhead announcements mention a buff for the spec went live. Some of us want a balanced game. When playing Feral, DK, or Enhancement for pvp was a terrible idea due to current tuning I asked for them to get fixed even though I dont play them. I hope other players ask for changes for underperforming specs. What we dont like to see in PVP is very few specs that outshine the rest by a large margin. We dont want Convoke the Spirits to go back to killing everyone it hits while casted once a min wiping another team at the objective. There should be a balance between. People have to die and strategy needed to make it happen.

I simmed my toon with 3 different builds, including the build the highest DPS Ret I could find on Heroic day 1 was using. All three builds were within 8-15k DPS choosing Herald vs Templar top Sim aroound 750K, Patchwerk 5 min.

All three builds put Herald over Templar save one (Not the best ST build) and the DPS difference was eight thousand DPS. Are Sims perfect? No. Not every fight is patchwerk, we are talking about potential DPS here. In practice each individual player may find a greater/smaller difference depending on the encounter and level of experience.

With it this close I’ll take Herald, the extra healing while having higher DPS makes it an easy choice at this point. I prefer the “feeling” of Templar but don’t want to give up the healing or the smidge of increased DPS.

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if they tweaked templar to fit better for ret in pvp and pve it would actually be a comparison here, this change killed the templar hero tree, it had potential and now its trash, it also ruined it for prot across the board, lightsmith and herald will rein until they realize what they have done

I may be in the minority here, but I find Templar feels better for Ret after the bug fix. I skipped the beta and went into TWW blind. I leveled mostly as Templar, but something felt off when Wake created a Hammer of Light window rather than a single use. I switched to Herald and enjoyed it a lot more than the HoL window, but now that the bug has been fixed and I’m hitting some target dummies, Templar seems to flows nicely as well. My only criticism (and this is from limited testing) is that Light’s Deliverance could maybe require 50 instead of 60 stacks. I maintain Shake the Heavens and spam finishers, and yet it feels like forever to get that free HoL.

This isn’t at all a comment on PvP, which I haven’t done at all yet. If Templar needs help there then it needs help there.


That might be a good tuning nob as well, interesting thought.

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your not in the minority here. alot of people share this sentiment they just dont talk in the forums due to the amount of brain rot here in general. but yes i still think 60stacks is excessive

Yeah. I hadn’t even thought about that.

Hail and well met, Churchmouse.

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Hey man, I got at least ten brain cells left.

Hail, Turalyonn!


blizz reconsider the change that was made on this hero talent

revert the changes - this can be fixed to smooth things out for ret and its rotation while still letting us use it for the 12 sec window, this could even be implemented as an option in the hero talent tree to fix this, have a double node for single hammer or multiple with different benefits depending on what one is chosen

Where did you read this?

Sounds like a bunch of extra work for little return that amounts to basically a 3rd Hero Spec for both Ret and Prot whilst everyone else got 2.

Sounds pretty unfair and uneven…