Then play Herald. The rotation is identical, it just adds passive damage. I hate the rotation changes that Hellcaller brings to my Destro, so I paly Diabolist instead, which leaves the rotation the same as it was in DF.
If you are happy with such a simple and mind-numbing rotation then there is nothing to gain from us going back and forth on this anymore as clearly we will never agree. I actually think VANILLA ret had a more interesting and engaging rotation than what it is now.
At the very least, I don’t see why you would be against choice nodes that could potentially make everyone happy. Why did they even have to remove VoJ in the first place? It’s not like anyone was forced to take that talent.
Puzzling you would play retail then since Vanilla is right there.
I don’t give a damn if they would. They can do it if they want to.
I doubt they would because it makes no sense to spent additional time completely reworking how the whole tree works to accommodate a different playstyle.
More busy work in a context where other classes have Hero spec that are very underwhelming and where they have been CLEARLY scrambling for time before AND after the launch.
I said the rotation of ret in vanilla was more interesting and engaging. I didn’t say I like vanilla more than retail. They are not even close to the same statement. Bad strawman there. Vanilla has tons of it own problems, don’t worry.
OMG so powerful!!! But still weaker than Herald somehow!!!
As Evialine as stated, Blizz communicated that Hero talents should contribute roughly toward 20-25% of your damage.
Now I don’t know how much Herald is contributing for, if its above or inside those values.
Keep in mind it has 6 talents that affect baseline spell which aren’t easily attributable to it.
But if Templar doesn’t follow the same impact, it needs to be tuned higher if Herald is within the target values.
Or Herald needs to be taken down a notch if it’s above the target value.
Templar has like 2-3 talents that affect the rest of the kit and aren’t easily attributed to it which is much less than herald but their strength varies.
I know Bolas on Wowhead allude to them being close but he doesn’t commit to number which is understandable considering the current void in data and sims being fickle.
It’s not clear whether it sees them close taking into account a full BIS gear character either.
I absolutely 100% agree. I logged on my prot pally today SOOO excited to play again, I had literally been dreaming about this HoL combo and was having such a blast with it. And when I found out I couldn’t do it anymore… I genuinely just logged out. I had not been this excited to play WoW in a long time. And now I just don’t really want to play anymore.