Hammer of light change (BUG FOR SOME, NERF FOR OTHERS)

MAIN POINT: the change to make hammer of light only used once after the ability transforms is horrible

this seemed like a bug for ret pallys because them being able to use it multiple times messed up there rotation and they didnt like losing templar hits, but on the other side spamming this as prot pally and planning for the holy power dump was extremely fun gameplay that was viable and flavorful and it took skill to hit a bunch in the 12 sec window

hitting HoL multiple times on prot for me was amazing to play and it just took the whole hero talent and threw all the effort that went into making that tree into the trash

i can understand wanting to edit something to have it fit into rets rotation more smoothly but dont ruin the entire hero talent for the other spec that uses it

BIG TOOLTIP NOTE: “eye of tyr is replaced with hammer of light for 12 after it is cast” this implies the entire duration the ability should be transformed and usable multiple times, why would you put 12 secs if the hero talent itself gives you the holy power to immediately dump 1x HoL out in one sec, hmmm… please revert these changes for prot


REVERT IT BACK BLIZZ. MAKE HoL for Templar Ret useable for 12 seconds for multiple uses, or no one is going to play this Hero Spec. Period.
When HoL is a single use ability, it feels useless, and a doesn’t make Templar Ret feel special what so ever.


templar hero talent will die with this change, its ruined for prot pally now and will never live up to its potential with ret like it could have

such a shame it worked so smoothly with eye of tyr on prot, it was butter


No it won’t.
Stop being a drama queen.


well for ret its mandatory to go herald now for optimal setup
well for prot its mandatory to go lightsmith now for optimal setup
so you tell me if killing an entire talent tree is being dramatic or not, they made the tree why kill its potential


It’s not mandatory to go Herald at all.
They are about the same at the moment.

If one of the talents is ever actually really behind, it will get buffed to be similar to the other one.


D tier by the way

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def not the same, they just took a few more HoL’s of damage out of the build with this change remember, it went from 5 cast to 1, once they realize how bad it is this way, then we can hopefully get our buff back to the 12 sec window, this is why the change is bad, because they will have to revert this change to fix this

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What if we told you it was always 1 and was bugged, then they fixed it.



i would say you think its a bug because you play ret, and it felt horrible on ret to use this hero talent tree, but it worked perfectly on prot with eye of tyr


From what I’ve been told it was tested in alpha and beta to be a multiple use ability for Templar. Upon launch it was released as a single use, and it was terrible compared to Herald.


That is wrong. So you’re either lying out of your behind or someone lied to you.

It has always been a one use and if there was any time it was not it was because of a bug.

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it may have felt like a bug on RET spec to you but on PROT it worked exactly as it should for using HoL multiple times, you had to generate power to use the hammer each time, it was a planned DPS window that felt amazing to pull off


I don’t even care about damage
Trying my best to to rush to 5 Holy Power and spam HoL while was up was SOOO MUCH FUN
It really changed the rotation in a fun way
Hope they can make it balanced and put it back


Sure, if you like playing whack a mole…

Speaking as Prot, the whole hero talent tree is just so boring and un-interactive as a one time only. It generates and spends 3 holy power so you just press eye of tyr and then HoL every 45 seconds with no thought. As a multi-use it offered a cool choice of going full burst or using holy power for defense and offered the kind of big damage window that tanks often lack. Yes it definitely did too much damage, tanks should not be topping charts on single target fights, but the solution to that is to tune down the damage not ruin the ability completely.


ask for a buff, not for a sh** bug to be a feature. stop clogging up the threads cause yall were dumb enoguh to think this was intentional


Believe what you want, but I actually believe Blizz shadow changed it to see how people would react. If you read the tool tip, it says you “gain HoL for 12 seconds”. No where does it say for one use. There’s no way one minute it goes from single use, to multiple uses, when it wasnt even after a patch. Then they do the same thing to revert it back.
It wasn’t a bug, it was a test. And we can get it back.


It broke exactly at the same time Hellcaller for Warlocks broke. Blizzard were messing about with internal timers for hero specs and didn’t realize things had gone awry, went away over the weekend and fixed it when they got back on monday.

If HoL was meant to be used repeatedly, they would have made that change during the alpha/beta or the PTR for the next patch. Not in a hotfix.


wow, a 3/4 cast of HL, what a deadly bug… come on “Arahgon” it was fun, and made one of the worst classes currently deal some damage. Don’t belittle your friend’s opinion just because your beard hasn’t grown.