It’s a meat shield, you need the armor of SotR to be up, you’re getting meleed.
Sacrosant is the bare minimum it should give for it not to be completely wasted defensively for 1 times use.
It’s not suppose to be such a big part of your mitigation through spamming it, otherwise it invalidate Lightsmith entirely.
That’s not the point, that’s an obvious BUG.
None of the effect HoL makes any sense if it’s spammable.
Why does Higher calling increase the shake the heaven by only 1 second if you can just HoL for an addtionnal 8 sec?
What’s point of having a timed window at all if both those talent combined just makes it so you get 100% uptime on it?
What’s the point of a 6sec Haste buff if you end up having it all the time?
What’s the point of a FREE HoL as a FREAKING CAPSTONE when you’ll already be able to cast it 10 times+ per minute without it?
A capstone is suppose to be the talent that has the most impact coupled with the first one.
What you’re arguing isn’t a bug makes it the lowest contributing talent instead of the highest, you’re being delusional.
It makes it a less than 10% increase instead of 50% increase.
This is madness, you guys don’t know jack sh*t.
Did you even watch the Dev talk about their goals for the Hero specs?
They explicitly say it’s not meant to be that big a part of what you do.
It’s to add flavor and enhance what we were already doing.
That’s the absolute opposite of what this BUG does.