Hammer of light change (BUG FOR SOME, NERF FOR OTHERS)

That is not remotely true.

Also, Templar and Herald are as equal as they can be in ST right now WITH the bug fixed (within 1% difference, favoring templar). Herald only has an edge in multitarget, especially when things aren’t tightly stacked, which is why guides push herald.

As a protection paladin, having this “bug” reverted after having a blast using it this weekend feels terrible. Not sure I want to play this class anymore really.

Also as a filthy protection paladin PvP enjoyer, I feel like this gave us a fighting chance in PvP scenarios. Back to irrelevancy I guess?


Yeah. I’m new to paladin and from a long hiatus so I thought at first the new behavior was just me being dumb and not having noticed how it was supposed to work, but I was not surprised to learn it was a bug because my damage output visibly skyrocketed without me using meters.

But also, it’s more fun to use that way because it breaks up the rotation in a meaningful way and I kinda wish it was rebalanced to work like that now.

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It was always single use on beta.


You don’t play many other MMO’s do you? The tooltip literally just means HoL is available for 12 seconds after casting WoA. In no way does it indicate it would be spammable. Abilities that convert into another ability on the same button generally always function this way. Its a buff that is available for a certain time and reverts back to the original ability after being casted. If you don’t cast it within those 12 seconds you lose the buff and it reverts back to the original ability.


basically your telling me that you dont know how to read and dont care that the rest of the hero tree becomes pointless with this bug, ya i hope they never bring the bug back so you can actually get good

if you considered spamming a 5 hopo spender without real,izing it reseted your auto melee swing timer and made you ignore all your other spenders “fun” then kindly play another spec

this was not a bug for prot pallys, your point is only made for ret spec, the entire tree and the smoothness of it being a spender on prot works perfectly, on ret it definitely did not feel clean and they should have addressed that without ruining it for the other spec in the process

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Just stopped by again to ask for the HoL to be available for the twelve seconds on the tooltip.

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The hell you mean?
Of course it’s a bug for prot too. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You don’t get your active mitigation from HoL.
Hell that’s the whole point they reduce the cost to 3 because it would otherwise be too taxing on prot defensiveness.

How is spamming it not worse than 5HP cost for the uptime on SotR buff?
Holy crap those takes…

sacrosanct crusade = insane mitigation, you dont understand if you didnt play it

for prot you had tons of holy power from the extra gain from bastion of light talent to supply the hammers, they hit over 3 mil on prot each hammer also providing sacrosanct crusade each time, it was very effective and viable for mitigation and damage

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It’s a meat shield, you need the armor of SotR to be up, you’re getting meleed.

Sacrosant is the bare minimum it should give for it not to be completely wasted defensively for 1 times use.

It’s not suppose to be such a big part of your mitigation through spamming it, otherwise it invalidate Lightsmith entirely. :rofl: :rofl:

That’s not the point, that’s an obvious BUG.

None of the effect HoL makes any sense if it’s spammable.

Why does Higher calling increase the shake the heaven by only 1 second if you can just HoL for an addtionnal 8 sec?

What’s point of having a timed window at all if both those talent combined just makes it so you get 100% uptime on it?

What’s the point of a 6sec Haste buff if you end up having it all the time?

What’s the point of a FREE HoL as a FREAKING CAPSTONE when you’ll already be able to cast it 10 times+ per minute without it?

A capstone is suppose to be the talent that has the most impact coupled with the first one.

What you’re arguing isn’t a bug makes it the lowest contributing talent instead of the highest, you’re being delusional.

It makes it a less than 10% increase instead of 50% increase.

This is madness, you guys don’t know jack sh*t.

Did you even watch the Dev talk about their goals for the Hero specs?
They explicitly say it’s not meant to be that big a part of what you do.

It’s to add flavor and enhance what we were already doing.

That’s the absolute opposite of what this BUG does.

if this bug wasnt fixed by seaosn launched, prot paladins will absolutely get globaled in keys cause they decided to press hol instead of sotr. it would have been halarious. oh well, the true loss with the bug. the loss of potential memes

it gets ya heated right? seeing this in my dms for the entire three days and in the classcord and here, can make a man rip his own hair out

The more you two post on these forums the more I’m convinced that neither of you even played the bugged Templar lmao. The free HoL proc from Light’s Deliverance also let you cast HoL for 12 seconds, on top of giving you 1 free cast. So much of what you two say has been incorrect or easily disprovable and it makes it so obvious you both just carry some hidden pve related agenda to keeping Templar the way it is. It’s very disingenuous.

So many Rets (including myself) are going to be forced into playing Herald all expansion because of selfish m+ meta chasers like you, it’s really sad. Templar is boring the way it is and almost no one likes it or wants to play. A lot of people will probably choose to just not play ret at all who otherwise would have if Templar was actually fun.

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Ironic calling me selfish when your bug screws the spec over. No one competent wants to play a spec where 3/4ths of the hero talents are broken and pointless. Ask for ret buffs for pvp that’s okay for everyone, not shill a obvious gameplay error because you don’t have the skill to play pvp without game breaking bugs

You keep on saying no one wants to play ret, but last time I checked it’s the most popular max level spec right now before this bug was even a thing . Soooo

“iT’s A bUg!! iT wAsn’T iNTEndED!!” is such a boring and weak argument. Yes we all know it was a bug and yes we all know it wasn’t intended and yes we all know that it didn’t make sense with the current talent tree passives. We know. Can you two stop arguing this same tired old point now? This is not a good argument as to why HoL shouldn’t be reworked into a more enjoyable form, including reworking any passives if necessary.

What are you talking about, Herald was still better anyway :joy: If I wanted to climb rating easily, I would just play Herald, it’s very strong in pvp.

Even if that’s true, that doesn’t change the fact that templar isn’t fun.

herald ultimately would’ve won out in any high end situation just because the amount of group healing dawnlight constantly provides is kinda bonkers for something you don’t actively put thought into

For people so intent on pointing at the tooltip to justify the bug, it sure is mind bugling to see you try to gaslight us into thinking that this interaction is also intended.
I played with it, but you just convinced me you never bothered to read the damn capstone.

Let’s read it together shall we.

You gain a stack of Light’s Deliverance when you call down an Empyrean Hammer.

While Wake of Ashes and Hammer of Light are unavailable, you consume 60 stacks of Light’s Deliverance, empowering yourself to cast Hammer of Light an additional time for free.

Now where in that does it says “and being able to cast it for 5hp for 12 sec”?

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Of course, nothing about the bug was intentional. Doesn’t matter what the tooltip says, it was obviously never intentional because it never once behaved like that in the beta.

This statement didn’t make sense because the bugged version did not behave like this. It wasn’t 1 free use, it was 1 free use followed by 12 seconds of use. This is why I doubt you even played it.

I never once did that.


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I saw it, but to me, just like when it lighted up for 12 after wake, it was still part of the same obvious bug.

There are literally people agreeing with you pointing at the tooltip as a justification for what they saw yet conveniently ignores the capstone tooltip.

Sorry I lumped you in with them, but they are being completely inconsistent in their discourse and picking and choosing

Now, you said clearly you just liked to build to 5 as many time as you could and didn’t care about the damage.

I find that odd and peculiar and I do not think this position is one that would satisfy a majority of the players regardless of how they felt about the bug.

I’ve stopped counting people saying otherwise. I don’t know what to tell you on this.
I don’t really feel like indexing all the comments that were arguing it was.

Correct. I don’t care about the damage. Numbers can always be adjusted to accommodate for any rotation or playstyle. The numbers should mean absolutely NOTHING in this discussion. The only thing that is relevant here is what is a fun and enjoyable playstyle.

I don’t care about the Templar passive talents being broken because of this. Numbers. Can. Always. Be. Adjusted. Please get your mind out of m+ mode for a second and focus on what’s a fun rotation.

Tell it to me straight. Is pressing FV every 2nd global fun. Yes or no?

If anyone wants to pretend any of this is intended I doubt they are being honest, it’s probably just wishful thinking. It never behaved this way at any point in the beta.