Halondrus nerf when?

uh what? if you want free loot you can just say that bud. LFR is suppose to be easy but still require you to pay attention. its not a blizz thing its a player thing. to many WoW peeps being lazy tbh

i haven’t done much lfr this expansion or for a few. when i want gear i get it from the welfare mythic+ box. but you’re in this thread pretending WoD never happened and it’s so lolworthy.

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Very buzzy from happy hour margaritas! I am going to attempt LFR, especially on Halondrus! Have a great weekend, everyone!


Least now the typing device doesn’t make a “ding” when it gets to the end or requires an ink ribbon :stuck_out_tongue:

You get a hour cooldown if you kick more than like 3 people.

And it persists the entire day through pretty much every group finder group. If you kick too much, even just pressing yes when someone else says it, the cooldown can persist for weeks.

Vote to kick punishes people for kicking. As such, it’s never a viable solution.

Especially if you have a group like I did last night, where 9 of them were guildies. We one-shot every boss but Halondrus (We wiped on first attempt at 0.8% because people would’t block the orbs and I had limited ability to block by myself lol)

If THEY had intiated a vote-to-kick? The entire group gets a 1-2 hour cooldown, because they alone have enough power to kick someone.

Imagine Lords of Dread when every player goes hostile.

I think the main reason Blizzard implements a kick-cooldown is to prevent the random toxic players from kicking just because “X said my DPS wasn’t great”.

The next point would probably be that Blizz wants players to teach each other what to do, rather than just kick. People don’t learn from getting kicked, other than get frustrated then angrily whisper random people from the group who may or may not have had anything to do with the decision to kick.

Problem is, half the people in LFR simply don’t look at the Raid chat.
(Hell, most of them don’t bother reading the Overview on the Dungeon Journal for even the simplest guide to the fights.)

When someone finally does start ordering people what to do, they do it in a very passive-aggressive and crude way that just turns people off even more. Then there’s the one or two that try to take command when they themselves don’t have a clue what to do.

My Priest Healer (and my friend, also on their Priest) had to forcibly leap of faith people into the stack clear mechanic of Skolex, because they assumed it was a big bad they had to avoid. That in itself isn’t bad, since at least they’re trying to avoid a mechanic, but we had to announce several times that they need to stand in that particular AoE.

The issue on LFR for Halondrus specifically, it’s a high healing fight. A lot of the times the healers just can’t handle the damage going out, then because everyone is having to spread to intercept the orbs, the healing decreases further because some are simply out of range and AoE heals don’t reach that far. Then people inevitably die and there seems to be a rather
 unfair amount of orbs to intercept. Perhaps if they slightly lowered the damage output or even just reduced the number of orbs, I could see it improving.

This but unironically.

Encouraging people to use and learn about the Group Finder by rewarding them with stronger gear is an intrinsically good thing.

The goal of the game designers should be to eradicate the existence of LFR without causing any of the backlash that would come with hard-removing it from the game. Making LFR progressively more and more obsolete and getting people to leave it in favor of Normal raiding is the best possible outcome for just about everyone. LFR can continue to exist but nobody should think to themselves that it is something they should need to do or even really WANT to do.

If you’re talking about LFR, this is because so many of us first got queued into a group on Halondrus and then had to requeue looking for the first three bosses. It’s a never-ending cycle at this point.

I don’t think Halondrus needs nerfs tbh. The mechanics on lfr are easy, just not “afk at my computer”. As far as mythic Halondrus and the race to world first - it should take a lot of time, and I’m glad it’s as hard as it is.

I rage-quit LFR a few days ago on my warlock cause we wiped like 4 times on the first boss. Every single time, me, the tank, and raid leader all said “DO NOT USE HEROISM UNTIL 15%” Over and over and over.

Someone kept doing it well before 15% and every single time, they would post in raid chat “So clooooose.” So I just left.

I gave feedback on this. They used the “bad get out of it” animation for it, for some stupid reason.

these people just ruin the experience for everyone else. it’s awful. and LFR groups actively protect them which just piles on the awful.

if the LFR community would work on actively removing the bad players (and I mean the people not even doing anything), trolls and AFK, they’d have a better experience for everyone.

I did LFR yesterday on my hunter, on Halondrus had a balance druid who would pop his CD’s do some damage, then run off to the side and die.

we wiped three times, and every time they refused to kick the guy, who did the same “hit the obss then go die” bs. Then there were the three or four other dps doing sub-1k damage.

why people tolerate that crap is beyond me. It’s one thing to be not-great. It’s one thing to make a mistake and die
 that’s perfectly ok. but to do so little damage you basically hit the boss once or twice then stand there, or to take advantage of strangers by intentionally dying
no one should tolerate that behavior in group content.


Well, you see not tolerating it is elitist. Only elitists say something about someone else’s play, even if there is no possible way that someone else could possibly be accidently playing that badly. According to the LFR community being elitist is the worst sin someone can commit.

I like that when I que for LFR it is halondrus and none of the other bosses. Still chasing that tier dream.


no one can accidently play so badly they’re not pressing any buttons.

it’s really unfortunate that the game allows it. Those people should be auto-detected and auto-removed.


I think Anduin LFR will be the next Roadblock. Probably gonna be nice ques strait to him as well.

I can’t get a single tier in my vault despite 8 keys and a bunch of raid kills.

It’s hard for some LFR players to stop DPS if they don’t do any to begin with.


They are against toxic players but then create a toxic raid environment. If they don’t want LFR to be toxic, than they should make the bosses easier

Ok, now would the people doing actual damage stop DPS
the rest of you just keep doing whatever it is you are doing to be hitting 1.8k dps with a 240 Ilvl.

Wait for Veil to phase

Did all bosses in LFR for another chance at tier one shot them all it took 50 min it doesn’t need a nerf.