Halondrus nerf when?

Going to keep saying this until we get answers on it. Groups wiping over and over on bosses, raidfinder takes 3 hours to clear 4 bosses. Way too much trash and trash that is pretty tanky.

The content might be balanced around legendaries and 4 pc but why release the content if it’s not ready, I’m seeing a lot of people just give up just 3 weeks into the patch. Raidfinder gives 239 gear and should not be as hard as it is. I’m having to reach 3-4 determination stacks every time on Halondrus(which to me tells me that the boss is overtuned) and at least one or two on the other bosses.

Also lots of people leaving the instance when we move to halondrus


How about actually try to figure out mechanics? It’s not a “afk auto attack boss go die” thing.


Didn’t we have this thread before?

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The groups I’ve been in have known mechanics but halondrus is very healer intensive and as for the other fights, the DPS is lacking

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I agree, but nerf Halondrus in LFR only, since it is an exercise. Should not nerf Halondrus in Normal and above.


Whats hard about this boss???


Just make Halondrus one phase in LFR and instead the balls give players a dmg increase.

And give free Tier to anyone who survives.


It’s not the boss, its the LFR players. They aren’t organized, they are all over the place and highly uncoordinated. Many of them refuse to do mechanics and go “afk auto attack” expecting loot, some die and revive after boss dies for free loot, etc. People don’t try in LFR as a raid group, they try it as a free loot instance which its not.


What even does damage on LFR?


Yea but even in final fantasy when you have AFKers the rest of the group can handle it and not wipe repeatedly. LFR should be balanced around the fact that 1/4 of the raid probably isn’t going to do anything


Nope, cause you just the endless rounds of headaches. The ones who AFK in LFR have regular raid experience. Why they go into lFR and AFK is beyond me. It reason why many LFR fail. 4


And 1/3 have no clue what they are doing and will be only slightly more useful then if they just went AFK.


IDK, LFR Halondrus was an ez 1shot when I was forced to do it for tier.


and my guild one shot it in normal, not that that’s impressive at all, so what is the issue? The boss or the players doing the boss?


I’ve done it twice on LFR and it wasn’t too terrible but the dmg people were taking during the room change was really bad.


Yeah, cause that’s fun.

Would love to join some sort of sports team where it’s expected that some of your teammates will do nothing, outside of little league I just don’t see that working out well.


This raid is just overtuned in general.

I don’t know what Blizzard is smoking to design this raid to be such a huge difficulty jump compared to the rest of the expansion.

Game is struggling, so produce content too hard for general players?


No it absolutely shouldn’t. You’re in a raid. Period. People either do their job and know the fights or they wipe. That’s how it goes.

You want a tourist mode? Ask for a solo walkthrough where you get no gear.


…but it’s fun to punish the people actively trying to do the mechanics, because the others won’t?

That’s part of what makes it no fun, no one wants to cover for someone who couldn’t care less.

If I had to fix it… they could add some sort of inactivity debuff that just voids your loot roll if you were under something like 10.00% activity during the encounter (minus autos of course)?

That way someone more deserving also gets the loot reward, too.