Halondrus nerf when?


The skillgap was allowed to run rampant for 15 years. some parts of the playerbase can no longer be saved.

Maybe just accept that a large portion of players aren’t good at the game and don’t care to be. They should have fun in LFR and not be raging at other people for not pulling their weight


LFR is a group activity. they can have fun soloing stuff.


This is why there is a kick option. Normalize kicking people who refuse to contribute from your group.

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This is by far the most fun boss.

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It’s not a war on casuals. Casual players are more than capable of handling boss mechanics.

It’s a war on people who treat LFR like free loot lollapalooza where they afk, don’t pay attention whatsoever while probably watching Netflix, expecting to leave with bunch of purples at the end while dragging everyone else down by dying on every boss.


Don’t queue into a group content that is dependent partially on everyone’s performance if you “don’t care” then?

People like this essentially ruin the experience for bunch of other people. It’s nothing but ignorance.


Yeah idk about that I joined a pug normal and we only wiped a couple times before we downed him it just takes communication


I don’t know if the leveling aspect is the reason or not, but I do agree with the end outcome (and I’m by no means an expert at my class). Part of me fondly remembers when we had to CC on pull in tough dungeons. Didn’t matter if it was a PUG or not, since square = trap, moon = sheep, etc. We had to lock down certain casters, or we wiped.

If I had a suggestion for Blizzard for a new content mode, it would be a dungeon crawl mode as an alternative to M+ dungeons in terms of rewards/design, but basically taking the quantity of trash downward and increasing the quality of trash.

That’s not to suggest M+ doesn’t require skill or mechanics, it very much does, but it’s quite different if each pull is basically a Council-esque mini-boss fight, requiring paying attention to diminishing returns on CC-types, ranged interrupts, etc.

I’m completely handwaving at the underlying difficulty in balancing the crawl vs m+ modes that would be involved. The idea would be that overall difficulty would be roughly equal at any given level, and the reward for time spent would also be roughly equal.

i dont understand this issue. did an LFR and it was cleared by second pull. first pull was nearly dead but too many dps died to keep doing the mechanics.

second que (because the game likes to toss players in raids with bosses down so you have to que a second time) the Raid wiped so many times i ran out of time to see if they ever cleared it.

it has to be a mechanics issue that players are failing or i got lucky in my first run on the boss and all the players were over geared (they were not. some items the main tank had on were below 200 ilvl. and the off tank noped out so i had to be the second tank. granted pvp gear is a lot better than raid finder) :thinking:

No it shouldnt . LFRs claim that it is still raiding . If players are afk kick them from teh group . I do lfr , I dont afk , If players dont do teh mechanics then they shouildnt do the instance .

I never step into any group content without knowing teh mechanics --that would be so rude to teh rest of teh group

Nah, that’s called going in blind and it’s more entertaining.


it is also so disrepectful to teh rest of teh group . This isnt 1980 . all teh info you need is out There and takes five seconds to look up .

I’ll care about the rest of the group when they pay my sub.

then you and people like you are why this game and society in general are in decline

It’s true, my idea of fun in a video game is ruining all of society.


your actions in everything you do speak volumes about you .Me Me Me is all you care about . game or anything else - the whole is far more important than the individual.

I am so sick of hearing things like " its the internet -what do you expect " what i expect is people behave the same way they would in real life . selfish atitudes on teh net and in games are teh same as selfish attitudes anywhere else

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It’s a video game I payed for, of course it’s all going to be about me lol.

Doesn’t need a nerf. It’s week 1 and most LFRs are just learning the dance. It’s like this every time a new wing releases. Last boss always causes people to cry.

You just got a bad group if it took you 3 hours. I’ve run it 2x on 2 toons and neither was more than 90 minutes. One was just about 60 - with only 1 wipe on any of the 4 bosses.

PS I’m a LfRer


God, if you cut out all the AFKing and trash clearing from these RWF streams, you would end up with like 20 minutes of boss fights so far lol.

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