Halondrus nerf when?

When I did LFR we one-shot the boss, but I was healing like crazy. Barely had time to toss a flame shock at times.
It could use some adjusting for LFR for sure from what I saw of it. Making healers carry the raid isn’t fun or fair to the healers in that type of environment.

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One attempt in Halondrus in LFR is incredible. You had a great group


do you remember nazgrim from SoO? :laughing:

It was a very solid group and it still came down to the wire on the boss.

I was reminded of that fight as well! People being oblivious making the fight infinitely harder on everyone else…

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In organized raiding, raiders that don’t do anything get kicked. Start that kicking.


LFR players: “But they said to stop DPS!”




War on casuals in this game.

I’m gonna stop you right there.
LFR groups are formed via automated matchmaking and do not, nor will they ever, have the level of coordination of premade groups and kicking people is a time consuming and chaotic process. Not sure if it still has limits on how many kicks you can initiate either, if so that’s another compounding factor.

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This… I don’t have words for this. Brain hurts too much.

there are lots of people the game would be better off without. I think this is a good way to weed them out.

Making LFR difficult and time consuming helps no one

the difficulty is not the problem. the raid leadership not having the ability to lead and manage the raid is the problem.

LFR is a headless raid with the end result of a headless raid.

give LFR a leadership tool - a proper one - and you might be surprised to see the LFR players CAN do more than you give them credit for.

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how do you expect to pay for new content when all the ones you’ve decided are undesirable leave the game? mythic+ and raid tier packs on the store? i’m sure you’d love that, right? cuz without casuals that’s how your beloved elite content would be paid for.


I just think the bosses are overturned and inflated health pools. It takes normal raids 3-5 minutes to clear a boss and in LFR it takes almost 10 minutes to kill Halondrus

Fun Fact: LFR Kicking has a cooldown. If your group kicks too many, you can be put on like an hour cooldown.

ever notice how people start figuring out how to click their cloak after the 10-determniation wipe? because now you either do or start over.

the lash beats the carrot. every time.

What a warped mentality to have towards the most entry-level of raiding content.
Great way to keep eroding the player base I suppose.


You are confused. The idea that people don’t do casual sports, shoot hoops, play adult soccer in a facility that has a bar, go bowling, or go for walks is a misconception on your part. Pro sports teams are not the only possible way to have sports, which only the best competitors can play, and others are only ever mere spectators.

That’s a really bad model for the game. LFR is the equivalent of grandma doing bowling with the girls.

And Little League parents are the most hypercompetitive helicopter parents in the world.

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When you go play casual sports with your pals if your group knows Kevin is coming and he is just going to sit on the sideline and not participate that’s fine, everyone’s agreed that Kevin is just going to sit there and make the game a little harder.

When your group joins up with other strangers who were simply told they’d be playing a game, not carrying Kevin, things may get a little resentful. Everyone’s no longer in agreement.

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Just adding to this, with only subjective experience: it seems the average skill level of players has dropped these days as well. This is not an attack on the average player, it’s just my belief that while levelling you don’t really need to use your kick/CDs/CC properly/chains or even need to learn the basics of positioning (LoS as an example). This has made the levelling experience easier, maybe more of an enjoyable experience for everyone I’m sure. A follow on impact appears to be that people hit level cap and then continue playing the game without ever utilising their interupts/CC/CDs etc. This isn’t the players fault if I’m right (which… eh, alot of logic jumps, so probably not) but it surely impacts their own gaming experience when they come to raid bosses that require solid knowledge of basics.

Just my 2 cents.