Hallows End queue broken for DPS

I guess that makes sense, except it’s a poor tutorial of how dungeons work if there is no tank/healer/3 dps dynamic.

Of course there is. Listen to the actual voice over next time. Garrick literally whines like your typical LFD tank about DPS pulling for her.

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Uh. Music > game sound and I’m not sitting there reading chat for NPCs.

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holiday bosses should have been changed long ago to be 5 man scenarios, in which 5 people of any spec can queue in, kill the boss, and leave.


Yep, some of my toons have normal wait time (~8mins) while others(this guy included) are sitting in q for over an hour and still nothing. Do they ban some dps from the event?

The fact that they haven’t yet makes me wonder if it’s purposeful, to pad the Time Played Metric.

Who knows how many Ahabs are out there chasing their White Whale for 12 hours a day every October.


Here, you forgot this hands you a tinfoil hat


been in que no longer than 4 mins here.

I had a short queue too shrug

still waiting, rip

lol yeah I waited for just over an hour and a half for a group.

so it eventually popped?

Yeah eventually it did but it did say like an 4-8min avg wait time so somethings screwy.

Then again I don’t believe any of blizzs displayed q times.

You are Death Knight and its a tank and spank fight , queue as blood


Yeah something is up, I queued for over 30 minutes dropping and rejoining the queue each time, no que pop as a DPS.

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This is about the op’s alts… quote from op “this year because I have more capped characters than ever, but not at this rate, I wont even be able to do Hallows End on half of them”


Thank you.

And to clarify, I did Hallows end on every one of my Tank and Healer alts, like a dozen characters, in the same amount of time I waited in queue on my Hunter before I gave up.

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It is pretty messed up right now… still waiting on boomy 45+ minutes and quit after 45 mins on my hunter. (edit addendum: that’s with it saying an ‘average wait time’ of 3 minutes.)

I have done Hallows End 5 times.

They were…

All dps
All level 50
All made prior to level squish.
All look less than 2 minutes for queue to pop

Character #6 this one I’m posting on…

Was in queue for 20+ minutes with no pop
Average wait was listed as 5 minutes
Is under level 50
Was created after level squish
Is in chromie time leveling via Legion expansion


i bet it’s Chromie time. I ran all my non-Chromie characters through in less than 10 minutes.